Kevin Aymoz: “After the European Championships, everyone wrote me off, as if they threw me in the trash. I’m so glad that I was able to show that it was too early to count me out.”

Posted on 2024-11-16 • 1 comment


Kevin Aymoz on his performance in the short program at the Finlandia Trophy 2024.

original source: Sports dd. 16th November 2024 by Maya Bagriantseva

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Kevin Aymoz on winning silver at the Grand Prix event Finlandia Trophy 2024. Today. Here’s a translation of his comments posted on Sports.

“Probably, this was the most nerve-racking competition of my career. The past 10 months have been tough for me, so I now want to prove to everyone that I’m strong and can handle anything.

After the European Championships, everyone wrote me off, as if they threw me in the trash. I’m so glad that I was able to show that it was too early to count me out. There are no words to describe how happy I’m to be in the Final; I already know what surprise I will prepare for my hometown Grenoble.

You know, when I fell on the very first jump — I felt incredible relief, I was simply happy. I knew I would make a mistake somewhere in the free skate, so I immediately stopped worrying. ‘There it is, it’s already happened — now I just have to keep skating.’ Afterward, I skated with maximum freedom; I was completely relaxed and calm. In the second half of the program, I felt as if I was floating on the ice weightlessly.

Before stepping onto the ice, I always shut everything out, put on headphones and don’t hear anyone. I always play the same song — it’s a silly French song from the movie ‘Star Academy,’ where teenagers learn to sing. It’s called ‘I will reach the limit of my dreams’and always before the start, I listen to it,” reports Maya Bagriantseva, Sports correspondent, quoting Aymoz.

“The Grand Prix Final for me now is one of the easiest competitions. Qualifying for it is already a victory. But the National Championships is next, and it is very important for me to perform well there.

Then the European Championships — it’s also a serious start, and at the World Championships, the fate of the Olympic spots will be decided. So yes, the final in Grenoble is just a pleasant comptitions in a home setting,” added the figure skater.


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One response to “Kevin Aymoz: “After the European Championships, everyone wrote me off, as if they threw me in the trash. I’m so glad that I was able to show that it was too early to count me out.””

  1. Skates says:

    ‘After the European Championships, everyone wrote me off, as if they threw me in the trash.’? No Sir, you threw yourself in the trash with your unsportsmanlike behaviour during that free skate.

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