“Krylova was the initiator of signing a contract which main points are discipline and mutual responsibility of both partners. All the financial aspects mentioned in the contract were purely conditional” Angelopol’s mother on the situation

Posted on 2023-09-02 • 8 comments


The mother of figure skater Valeriy Angelopol explained the split up of the duo with Vasilisa Kaganovskaya.

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Earlier, coach Anjelika Krylova said, “At a certain point, Valeriy started saying that he was ready to skate with Vasilisa on the condition of a signed contract specifying certain financial terms. This was completely unacceptable, and of course, she did not want to sign anything.”

Kaganovskaya and Angelopol were the winners of the 2022/23 Russian Grand Prix Final in ice dancing.

“Our family does not have any financial problems, thank God. Never has any of our partners been burdened with financial responsibility for their partner, although such offers from the girls’ parents were frequent. Vasilisa and her mother are still registered in our apartment absolutely free of charge, although in Moscow, people pay for registration, and in our ‘greedy story,’ from the very beginning, it would have been possible to ‘make the partner pay.’ It’s not our option.

Yes, July was a very difficult month for all of us. I have always admired Anjelika (Krylova, the coach of the duo – ed.), I was sure that I knew her very well because we have known each other for 30 years. This is my mistake and misconception; time and life change everyone without exception.

You could say that I grew up in the world of figure skating, I have my own views and opinions about this world. There was one important principle for me – when I bring my child to a coach, I completely trust them, without interfering in the training process. I wanted to enjoy the results of this process. This time it was the same.

Anjelika has always been sure of my boundless trust in her, my unconditional support; I stayed aside, giving my son into her hends.

A sports pair is two partners, each with their own qualities and abilities. The coach’s job is that of a teacher, mentor, and educator, a very complex job, not everyone can handle it. People turned to me at the very last moment, when it was necessary to extinguish an already raging conflict, and she knew that I would be able to do it. It was very difficult to extinguish this conflict as well.

Creating a contract that would have a disciplinary character first and foremost was the coach’s suggestion. And it was with this contract in this conflict that the pair was able to be saved, giving Valeriy written guarantees that, in the event of another violation of business ethics, this contract could be unilaterally terminated. The draft contract and the Code of Business Ethics of the FFKR, as an appendix to it, were sent by me to Anjelika on August 8.

All the financial aspects mentioned in the contract were purely conditional, as they were originally covered by the federation’s funding (both ice and costumes, equipment, and everything else). Everyone who read this contract interpreted it in their own way; some did not read it at all. But a very important aspect was thrown out of it – the mutual responsibility of both partners in case of a violation on their part, rather an appendix to the contract – the Code of Business Ethics of the FFKR, that is, discipline. I emphasize this point.

It is a shock to me that Anjelika disowned the contract, saying that she learned about it at the end of August, especially since she was the initiator of this contract, shifting all the responsibility onto us. I will note once again, she received it on August 8.

Parting ways with Sonya Lukinskaya (former partner of Angelopol – ed) is my great pain even after 5 years, but circumstances have unfolded this way. I want to thank Sonya and her mother for maintaining very warm relations and feelings towards each other.

It turns out we lost a true friend for the sake of a coach who subsequently betrayed us, even though Valeriy broke up his excellent pair and career for the sake of this specific coach. It was his strong desire to train with Anjelika Krylova. The pair with Sonya was progressing and moving forward, and we did not need another partner; the two of them had an excellent relationship.

Well, conclusions have been drawn, it’s time to correct mistakes and move on. The outcome of our story, to my deepest regret, is the mistake of a coach who forgot that she was coaching a pair consisting of two people and chose the side of one of the partners. And my mistake – I blindly trusted the coach and relinquished control over the process.

It turned out that Valeriy had two Vasilisa’s ‘mothers’, which was too much. Thank you for the lesson! We are all human, prone to making mistakes, but not everyone knows how to admit them, let alone take responsibility and make amends.

I apologize to my son for my mistakes and thank God for having him. He is currently facing a very tough test with threats, insults, and bullying. People always see only what they want to see and present information in a way that suits them. To defend oneself means to knowingly admit one’s guilt. Smart people will always understand everything correctly. We will definitely overcome this together.

I wish Vasilisa to learn to be honest, primarily with herself, because when someone deceives everyone around, they are only deceiving themselves. The truth is such a remarkable thing that always comes to the surface, no matter how much you try to hide it. This is not my opinion or guidance; this is life.

Let’s learn from our mistakes and move forward. I wish everyone success in achieving their goals,” wrote Svetlana Angelopol on Instagram.


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8 Responses to ““Krylova was the initiator of signing a contract which main points are discipline and mutual responsibility of both partners. All the financial aspects mentioned in the contract were purely conditional” Angelopol’s mother on the situation”

  1. Shari says:

    I feel Valeriy’s mother wrote a very professional and passionate letter, advocating for her son.

  2. i miss Valeriy and Vasilisa they were so happy together

  3. Vasilisa4ever says:

    It’s so sad that Vasilisa and valeriy had to break up their ice dancing skills and i’m sure that they are soulmates and i am so sad. they looked so happy together

  4. Nina Piasecka says:

    Valery’s mother screw up everything! Her personal culture and the way she addresses situation is scandalous!
    Valeriy wake up! Don’t be mom’s boy, run away!!!

  5. Carol Bearup says:

    I really enjoyed watching this couple. Although I am not a fan of Russia (because of Putin), I was very much a fan of this couple. I wish them both well & I am sorry this had to happen.

  6. MV says:

    I think he was madly in love with her, although he has a girlfriend. I saw how they act towards each other or mostly what the innitates. And for me there is no other way than this. Just like holding her, kissing and everything it was soo cute to watch. Unfortunetelly, I am sorry for both, i mean they both are in pain in my opinion :(

  7. No war says:

    Why the financial conditions were included in the main contract while the disciplinary part was ‘just’ in the appendix? I assume the Code of Business Ethics issued by FFKR has to be followed by all Russian figure skaters anyway. And the main contract conditions did include coverage of all additional expenses for Valeriy which were not covered by the federation. Dirty story – the mothers explanation made it even worse, to my opinion.

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