Rafael Arutyunyan: “Samodelkina certainly has many advantages. But there’s a problem: she hasn’t been raised to have a long career in sports. A complete reboot is necessary. Is she ready for this?”

Rafael Arutyunyan on further collaboration with Sofia Samodelkina original source: Sports photo Sputnik / [...]
Sofia Samodelkina: “Since I would like to restore my ultra-c elements I decided on going to Rafael Arutyunyan. I think if this internship works out, we will go like on mini-training camps.”

Sofia Samodelkina about trainings with Rafael Arutyunyan. original source: SauBall Youtube Channel View [...]
Sofia Samodelkina: “When you read something bad about yourself, no matter how much you say you don’t pay attention to it, it’s somewhat untrue; it still somehow stays in your mind.”

Sofia Samodelkina about fuss in media about her transfer to Kazakhstan. original source: sportplustv.kz [...]
Rafael Arutyunyan: “There is only one scenario in which I would refuse an athlete: if someone wants to come six months before the Olympics, seriously expecting that I would work a miracle and make them a champion.”

Rafael Arutyunyan about working with Sofia Samodelkina. original source: RT dd. 8th September 2024 by Elena [...]
“I can say this: everybody is welcome here. Unless it’s a pre-Olympic season, and you’re a not skater at the level of Sasha Trusova. Because then there’s too little time and too much responsibility.” Arutyunyan on working with Samodelkina.

Rafael Arutyunyan about working with Sofia Samodelkina. original source: Telegram Channel "Vsem Lutz" by Maya [...]
“In October, Sofia will head to Los Angeles for a try-out and internship with Rafael Arutyunyan.” Sofia Samodelkina left Angels of Plushenko

Sofia Samodelkina left Angels of Plushenko and will train with Rafael Arutyunyan. original source: tengrisport.kz / [...]
“There were critics who wrote: ‘Traitor’. But I already relate to this normally. I made a choice.” Samodelkina on her transfer to Kazakhstan national team

Sofia Samodelkina about Kazakhstan Championships and representing Kazakhstan. original source: tengrisport.kz dd. [...]
“The first competition is over, there were many mistakes over which huge work needs to be done, but we will continue onward.” Sofia Samodelkina won Summer Championships in Kazakhstan, scoring a total of 161.43 points

Sofia Samodelkina on her first competitions representing Kazakhstan. original source: Telegram / TASS Former [...]
Sofia Samodelkina: “I worked to restore a quad and 3A, overcoming falls and under-rotations. And with my current height of 170cm I restored almost everything I had lost.”

Sofia Samodelkina's first interview after switching to represent Kazakhstan. original source: RSport dd.2d July [...]
“Training will take place both in Kazakhstan and Russia.” Skating Federation Kazakhstan on Sofia Samodelkina’s transfer

The head of the Astana Figure Skating Federation told that Samodelkina will train both in Kazakhstan and [...]
Sofia Samodelkina got the release from Russian Figure Skating Federation to represent Kazakhstan

Sofia Samodelkina got the release from Russian Figure Skating Federation to skate for Kazakhstan. original source: [...]
“Just because I want to go to the international stage, compete, meet the expectations of parents, that they didn’t spend 12 years of their and my life on this in vain.” Sofia Samodelkina on changing citizenship

Translation of Sofia Samodelkina's comments about her transition to the Kazakhstan national team. original source: [...]
Sofia Samodelkina: “At first skipping the seemed like a catastrophe. I was preparing for the Kazakhstan Nationals but I couldn’t go there. Now I take it calmly.”

Translation of Sofia Samodelkina comments about struggles with jumps and changing sports citizenship. original [...]
“The former leader of the Russian national team will help us secure a spot for our country in the 2026 Olympics.” Sofia Samodelkina may participate in the Kazakhstan nationals

Sofia Samodelkina may participate in the Kazakhstan National Championship this season. original source: Sports.kz [...]
“Will there be a need to reimburse any amount for Samodelkina’s training in Russia? I don’t think we will be ready to do that.” Skating federation of Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, they are most likely not ready to pay compensation for Samodelkina's transfer. View this [...]
Sofia Samodelkina wants to represent Kazakhstan and requests her release based on the case of Diana Davis and Gleb Smolkin

Russian figure skater Sofia Samodelkina wants to switch to the Kazakhstani team. View this post on [...]
“As for the very idea of Valieva’s free program, I have rather mixed feelings about it.” Alena Kostornaia tries herself as a journalist and shares her impressions of the test skates

Alena Kostornaia tries herself as a journalist and now has her own column for TASS, where she shared her impressions [...]
Sergei Davydov: “Quads are the next step in women’s figure skating. There is no turning back. If you want to win, jump.”

Big interview with Russian coach Sergei Davydov. About the results of Russian Nationals, advantages of raising the age [...]
Sofia Samodelkina: “Every night I’m praying that the Olympics are postponed to 2023. I think this will be my only chance.”

Big and very open interview with 14 years old skater Sofia Samodelkina coached by Sergei Davydov. About quads, [...]