Russian ice dance drama [13.04.2018]

Congratulations! We officially entered the off season with its traditional break-ups and coach changes dramas. [...]
State of Russian ice dance drama [15.12.2017]

Finally things got back to normal and we can have our Russian ice dance drama as usual on Friday! Ekaterina Bobrova [...]
State of Russian ice dance drama [25.08.2017]

Russian ice dance became suspiciously drama-free last weeks. Everyone is working hard before test skates?) But still [...]
State of Russian ice dance drama [11.08.2017]

It's hot summer Friday - a perfect time to take a look what is happening in Russian ice dance. Olympic season is [...]
State of Russian ice dance drama [04.08.2017]

Thanks to Russian ice dance off-season is never boring. So relax and keep reading) The final pose? The [...]
Best costumes from ISU JGP St. Gervais | free dance

Here's my list of best costumes from the free dance at JGP in St.Gervais. Eliana GROPMAN / Ian SOMERVILLE [...]
Russian junior test skates | photos

Thank to photographer Mikhail Sharov, we can take a first look on Russian junior ice dancers at their test skates in [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP in Torun | ice dance

The waltz gives plenty of variations for the costumes. Different silhouettes, color pallets, length of the skirt, [...]