Piper Gilles & Paul Poirier preparing for breakthrough?

Posted on 2015-10-03 • No comments yet


Just after I saw the first videos of new dances of this Canadian duo I knew that it will be something special. Not everyone may like their dances, maybe for someone is just too much, but it’s definitely something new and original. Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier are really brave skaters who are opened to experiments and I appreciate it a lot.

That’s for sure the most unwaltzy waltz among all short dances! The dance is just full of interesting and creative moves and choreo details. I think it will be interesting to watch this dance during the whole season. And the audience and judges won’t get tired of it because every time you can find something new. Every move just tells the story!

Costume prototypes. Can we expect a color change of costumes to red and yellow? Wo knows))

albumcoverWe have already seen the whole free dance but without costumes and not in a competition routine. So, we definitely need to take another look.

This free dance is a challenge and a statement. The statement that Piper Gilles & Paul Poirier is ready to a serious fight. This dance grabs your attention just from the first seconds and doesn’t let you up to the end! Modern choreography in good adaptation for the ice. Stunning effect! I see an improvement in Piper’s skating skills and she controls her body better now and has worked on lines. But I regret a bit that such amazing dance is not skated by a duo with better technique. Fantastic dance and good skate! If  i were Kaitlyn Weaver I would start worrying just right now))

Congratulations with their first international victory this season! How happy they are! just watch Piper’s reaction.


Piper and Paul won the first battle between 2d numbers of the US and Canadian federations. See the dances (short and free) of their rivals Maia and Alex Shibutani.

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