Nebelhorn Trophy 2017 review

Posted on 2017-10-02 • 8 comments


Nebelhorn Trophy…..Oh that was hard. With each participant it became harder and harder for me to find arguments against the idea of going to make tea right now. By the way, it takes time to make a good tea…..something about 6 programs….and then you can go and make another cup)

So, nothing was pleasing for my heart at this competitions. And who is to blame for this?) I had to remind myself that people here are fighting not only for medals, but for a dream, so I have to embrace myself and watch them all!

And I’m truly sorry for all those whose dream of the Olympics didn’t come true.

For example, it’s a pity that things didn’t work out for Michael Christian Martinez this time. I really like this skater, but there’s still no progress in jumps. But he has already been at Olympics, so let someone else no less exotic for figure skating go.

For example, the Malaysian Julian. The guy clearly gave everything he had on the German ice and became a new favorite of the public. Perhaps I won’t unfollow him on Instagram.

The quickness of the Italian skating federation is amazing. They quickly replaced Righini with Matteo Rizzo. And that was a right decision. The guy won a spot at Olympics for Italy. So personally I will be terribly hurt if someone else instead of him will go to Korea. Matteo is a nice guy – tall, slim, with good, tasteful programs, one of which even to Italian vocals.

Finally Alexander Majorov got a normal male choreography, doing which he does not look ridiculous and awkward. That’s already a progress. Alas, the results aren’t impressive and that’s sad.

American Alexander Johnson – with no quad, with unstable 3a, but what a beautiful skater and handsome guy! Then I learned that the guy is my age…..Well, you never know when the progress will come, but if it did show up before the age of 27, it probably won’t come at all….. But he is handsome, musical, with great choreography – a perfect match for the collection “admire and sigh”.

Well done, Jorik! Well done! I knew, I believed ;) He picked up such a famous music pieces and skated really emotionally, and even cleanly. Well deserved gold with a large gap from rivals. Here I can really see that athlete wants to go to Olympics and prepares hard.

Even ice dance was quite boring….no one amazed me with costume for latina)

Anna Yanovskaya and her new partner this year look not so hopelessly, there’s even some progress. But still it was quite sad.

Courtney Mansour – Michael Ceska and their godfather in free dance will go to Olympics. Lovely dance, with a great entry intp the first lift. Courtney also has a very beautiful dress, I’d gladly get something like that in my wardrobe))

Yura Min‘s dress for latina reminded me of Tanith Belbin in 2006. The musical cuts have Despacito, which already gave me a persistent nervous tic … .and the insidious Germans played it even during the warm-ups. In the free dance, like decent citizens who prepare for the home Olympics, Yura and Alex skated to something national. The dance is probably nice … but it was hard for me to watch it till the end – tea desperately called to me from the kitchen.

Kavita and Joti has a nice short dance – latina on the streets of Rio. The free dance isn’t much memorably and if I hadn’t knew that it was Pride and Prejudice, I wouldn’t have even realize that. Just another lyrical dance….They skated nicely but probably missed the levels terribly.

With Kana Muramoto Chris Reed looks much more relaxed in latina than with his sister. He even leads the dance. But the mustache….Oh honey, it won’t make you look hotter. In the free dance was something gentle-lyrical. There were some beautiful elements, for example stationary lift, and the music is beautiful, with a national flavor. But they are not dancers who are able to hold viewers’ attention for all these 4 minutes. Probably that’s why they have special effects with the dress transformation)

Of course, I was very happy to see Penny and Nicholas on the ice again. They have very good short dance, with nice music cut. Their dance looks coherent which is rarity this season. The free dance wasn’t skated to it full potential yet, but its has a room for growth and the lift is amazing! Here they were undoubtful leaders, but such generous scores for non-ideal performances … .seriously? Okay, let’s take it as a one-time welcome back gift from the judges.

Ladies confidently win in nomination “The most boring competitions of the event” It was very long and very sad. Beautiful ladies also chose such songs, listening which you have only one desire – to take a blanket, curl up and cry how unfair life is. If there is such a heroic personality who watched them all, I’m ready to send you a medal for courage.

Norwegian Anne Line Gjersem just broke my heart. She fell and fell again … to the music perfectly suitable for the autumn melancholy. The same about Aleksandra Golovkina….I couldn’t even think she would place so low in such a company.

Viveca Lindfors not only took Phantom of the opera for the short program, but chose it’s most depressing song. And skated it in black dress, so that it was immediately clear: the life is pain ) At least there was a cheerful Cinderella in the free program. Viveca can start polishing crystal shoes for the main ball of the season – Olympics.

Isadora Williams and her short program…..I just closed my eyes and imagined that someone else was skating to this music. She’s going to the Olympics, her dress is stunningly beautiful, so I hope she’ll forgive me)

In the free program Nathalie Weinzierl portrayed a bird to the music of Zhulin’s favorite composer. But the bird did not quack and there were no sounds of hunting either, so Zhulin would hardly like this program – not enough drama.

I remember Alexia Paganini representing USA in juniors. At Nebelhorn she suddenly showed up under the Swiss flag. Showed up and won a ticket to the Olympics. Well done.

I’ve liked Matilda Algotsson since her sp to Hunger games. This time she was one of those few who pleased me with nice programs and good skating. So I really hope for the change of leader in Swedish team!

And our unexpected winner. Well, personally for me the victory of Australian Kailani Craine was unexpected. Such a charming short program, that was a right decision to keep it from last season. The free program Kailani skated with such a fighting spirit “I really, really, really want to go to the Olympics!” And she will go there. Congratulations!

Who would have thought, but the pairs were the most vivid and interesting competition at Nebelhorn.

I’ll start with the heroic woman Zoe Jones. Such a love for figure skating! What a skate of the free program! After each performed element, I wanted to gave her standing ovations. It’s a pity that there will no Olympics for her, but I’m so proud of her!

From cute Czechs Anna Duskova – Martin Bidar, I expected more. But unfortunately they didn’t do their best. I didn’t like either their programs or their costumes (especially for the free program).

Not everything turned out in Ashley and Timothy‘s short program, but the free was great! They skated it powerfully with lots of energy! I do not like Gatsby in figure skating, no one managed to make a program to this soundtrack so it looks coherent and bright…….but they did it, I saw the splashes of champagne there)

What a great pair from North Korea! The girl is perfect for pairs. The programs are good, the elements are excellent! But looking at their marks I have a feeling that they were underscored. I really hope to see them at the Olympics.

Germany got a good second pair – Annika Hocke and Ruben Blommaert. Strange thing, but with new girl Ruben looks stronger, more confident and reliable than with Mari Vartmann. The FP to Romeo and Juliet is wonderful. Perhaps, Aliona won’t have to skate forever.I am glad for the Austrians that they got a spot to Olympics. I like them, although from time to time I want to steal their costumes along with their programs for someone else. I selfishly want to see them at as many competitions as possible, so I could yell the song “500 miles” loudly, oh my poor neighbours)

Congratulations to the Australians! It’s quite worthy to win bronze in such company. I’m still surprised that they left such a good jumping girl to represent another country that easily.

Probably, I don’t know another athlete with such a will to win and a desire to skate and compete. She’s prima, which immediately captures all attention and you no longer see anyone else around. Beautiful, unreal, fantastic. With amazing programs that you want to review. With amazing costumes. Desperately going to the most difficult elements. Amazing Aliona Savchenko. And Bruno …… oh Bruno, please do not let her down and pass the German language test!

It seems that it has become the tradition of Nebelhorn not show me someone. Last year, instead of Tuktamysheva’s short program they showed me the landscapes of Oberstdorf, this year they did not show me Tarasova-Morozov‘s short program! It remains only to guess how great that skate was. And it had to be great…such a score! I demand details!)

The free program and costumes….oh…again they will look like poor relatives from province comparing to trendy competitors with sophisticated programs. Especially I “like” the part to u-la-la …… What kind of enemy did the music cut? What kind of enemy did this choreo? Oh come on, they deserve much more!


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8 Responses to “Nebelhorn Trophy 2017 review”

  1. Uta Brachhoff says:

    Have a look to the costumes of Tina Garabedian (Armenia dancer).

  2. Crabe93 says:

    Kailani Craine was AMAZING !! She has beautiful dresses, fighting spirit and very lovely programs. I can’t wait to see what she can deliver at the Olympics. And I’m definitely one of her big fans :)

    Thanks for the review :)

  3. Lotte says:

    I can’t wait too read your opinion about P/C new free dance ;)

  4. I was at Nebelhorn Trophy and am starting to upload my reviews and pics. You can find them here:

    I did not take any notes but I wrote a few words about T&M and have some pics.

  5. I was at Nebelhorn Trophy and am starting to put up my reviews on the blog (including my pics). You can find everything here:

    I did not take any notes but I have some pics and a few words about Tarasova & Morozov.

  6. jimmbboe says:

    LOVED all of Kailani Craine’s programs!!

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