Maxim Trankov: “I don’t think Tarasova-Morozov will be able to work with Zueva before the Games. I will, they are unlikely.
Maxim Trankov about nearest plans of his athletes Vladimir Morozov and Evgenia Tarasova.
source: dd. 8th June
Maxim Trankov: In the summer, they managed to go to the USA, where they lived, training with Marina Zueva. Mainly to pick up things from rented housing, to solve some everyday issues, in a word – to finish all businesses. But they had time to skate a little.
Answering the question whether Tarasova and Morozov plan a flight to the United States before the Olympics, Trankov replied: “I don’t think they will be able to work with Marina before the Games. I will, they are unlikely.”
Now Zhenya and Volodya are at the training camp in Sochi, they will be here until June 12, after which they will join Eteri Georgievna’s group. They have already prepared a short program for the Olympic season, it was choreographed by Alexander Zhulin and Eteri, and, in my opinion, it turned out very well. The work on the free program is still ahead.
Related topics: Evgenia Tarasova Vladimir Morozov, Tatiana Volosozhar Maxim Trankov
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