Alexandra Trusova: I want to do something that no one has done before

Posted on 2018-08-09 • 2 comments


Translation of the video interview with Alexandra Trusova after junior test skates.

video by Olga E

Sasha, we congratulate you, today you did three quadruple jumps, you did quad lutz for the first time. Tell us when did you start working on them and how difficult it was?

– Thanks. I started working on quad salchow last year in April, jumped it, then we had vacation, then the beginning of the season, then I jumped it at the JGP in Australia, but underrotated. I did it cleanly only at the Russian Cup Final and at the World Junior Championships. I started working on quad tooe loop after the Grand Prix final, jumped it and also did it at the World Championships. I started working on lutz after the World Championships and jumped it in April-May.

Quadruple jumps are difficult elements, even some boys struggle with them. What do you feel, what motivates you when you learn new quadruple jumps?

– I really want to do something that no one has done before and every time I want more and more. So I learn new quads and they work out and I like it.

Do I understand right that you will not stop at quadruple lutz?

– No.

Will you continue to try some other?

– Yes.

New programs, were they choreographed during training camp in Novogorsk, after vacations?

– We did free program earlier, before vacation. Short at the training camp. My short program is “Kill Bill”. Free program “Fifth element”. Leeloo is special, she is the fifth element, so I they decided make me such program.

Don’t you ever fear when you start learning quadruple jumps. Because I know that many boys are afraid of doing them.

– No, I do not feelfear, on the contrary, I really want to, if you are afraid, you will never jump. You cann’t do it this way. On the contrary, it is necessary to go very decisively and jump.

Is this variant of the free program with three quads is final or maybe there will be some other ideas? For example, to do three different quads.

– Yes, there are ideas to do three different quads. But so far it will be like this. Then we’ll see.

You went abroat to the training camp. You hap a wonderful vacation in America.

– We went to Orlando, Disneyland is there, we went to all the parks. We went there with Diana Eteri Georgievna’s daughterand Artem Frolov. We spent the whole day there, were at all the attractions. It was very fun. Most of all I remember the attraction with Harry Potter.

After the season when you actually wrote you name in the history of women’s single skating, was it hard to return to work? Or vice versa was there a motivation to try something new?

– I tried not to think about last season. I was happy when all this turned out, then forgot everything and started working on new quads and programs.

What would you wish to yourself in the new season?

– To skate the programs cleanly with quadruple jumps.


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2 Responses to “Alexandra Trusova: I want to do something that no one has done before”

  1. Judith says:

    What a phenom! She is already and always will be the first Quad Queen. It will be interesting to see whether she is the wave of the future or an isolated case. Congratulations and best wishes to her for this season and for a great and healthy career.

    • jimmbboe says:

      Yes, it will be interesting to see if she can hold on to the quads as she grows.

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