Nathan Chen. Programs for season 2018-2019

Posted on 2018-07-24 • 2 comments


New programs! Oh, I’m so excited. Nathan Chen was brave enough to show his new programs, so I want to share some first impressions.

First of all I do understand that it’s July and programs need a lot of work, but I think it’s possible to discuss the overall picture.

Short program: “Caravan” by Fanfare Ciocarlia

video by Eyes on Nathan youtube channel

Well, I didn’t fall in love with this program immediately like it was with his last season’s short program. And I’m a bit disappointed that they didn’t continue to work in that direction. This program reminded me both typical program for North American single skater and programs that Nikovai Morozov gave to Javier Fernandez (1st part of the SP) and Florent Amodio (2d part). Well, I can’t say that Nathan is the same type of skater…..Honestly, after his “Le Corsaire” and “Nemesis” I expected something more unique and sophisticated.

Free program: “Land of all” by Woodkid 

video by Eyes on Nathan youtube channel

I liked this program way more than the short program and I think it has a lot of potential. First thing that came to my mind “Well, this time he needs to make the program work, the music won’t do that itself”. The first part looks a bit empty, perhaps that’s where all the quads will be. The second part looks more impressive and I hope he won’t be rushing that much (I can say the same thing about SP too) he needs to make his moves bigger, you know, really putting some meaning into each, only then it’ll work. Oh, and I really liked how musically the spins are done.


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2 Responses to “Nathan Chen. Programs for season 2018-2019”

  1. Douglas says:

    I’m loving both programs! It’s important for Nathan to maintain traditional style with contemporary style (LP). He’s in great conditioning, the choreo is intricate and wonderful, very musical as always with Nathan! I’m very excited for the upcoming season! I’m predicting a repeat World Champ for 2019!

  2. CaliSteve says:

    I actually like his SP more then the LP. But I think he can do alot with both programs if he utilizes his artistic abilities and sticks to the plan in terms of jumps.

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