Grand-Prix Final 2016: pairs free program fashion review

Posted on 2016-12-21 • 5 comments


I continue discussing figure skating fashion and today it’s pairs turn.

I’ve already discussed costumes from the short program here: Grand-Prix Final 2016: pairs short program fashion review

Evegenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov

Evgenia Tarasova Vladimir Morozov

I was so happy to see Evgenia and Vladimir wearing nice costumes for the short program! And here we go again, hello tasteless retro something!( These costumes are my main nominates for title “Worst costumes of the year”. An absolute disaster) What was the idea? Did they have any idea? Has their designer any sense of style? How can you wear this being young and beautiful? Someone threatened them? They lose a bet? To many question and no reasonable answer) There is nothing to discuss, just burn this costumes and get a new one.

Julianne Seguin and Charlie Bilodeau

Seguine Belodeau

I like this costumes, nice and not overdone. But I want to see more individuality. I have seen such costumes for so many times. Such dress you can order for yourself in various on-line shops. It’s ok for novices and juniors but we all expect something more sophisticated and unique from elite skaters.

Xiaoyu Yu and Hao Zhang

Yu Zhao

For me costumes of both Chinese pairs are quite at the same level. Girls’ dresses have pretty similar concept and application. Hao Zhang usually prefers the actual costumes not just a shirt with trousers. And I really appreciate that! Interesting shirt with asymmetrical drapery. It gives me some associations with armour, Hao looks very masculine! Yu’s dress is tender and feminine. This flowery finishing reminds me of Elie Saab’s designs:

but I don’t like how finishing is placed. And I don’t like this nude illusion mesh(

Cheng Peng and Yang Jin

Cheng Peng Yang Jin

Lovely and tender costumes. I like his shirt with wide sleeves, it looks very romantic. Her dress is also very nice, this shade of blue looks great with her porcelain skin. Nude illusion mesh is almost invisible! Floral finishing seems to be a trend of Chinese team) I like this dress, but it doesn’t sounds like Umbrellas of Cherbourg, she can use this dress for any lyrical program. I’d like her to wear something more thematic.

Natalia Zabijako and Alexander Enbert

Natalia Zabijako Alexander Enbert

Usually I’m not a fan of such paintings on costumes, but I liked Natalia’s dress. I like the idea and a combination of grey and pink. I definitely have seen something like this in high fashion, but unfortunately I can’t find the prototype. Hope I’ll. The dress looks great in motion and well-matched with Alexander’s grey trousers and shirt with ombre effect. Lovely dress and it helps to highlight Natalia’s beauty, however I don’t see any connection with the music….but I’d be a great costume to Vivaldi’s Four seasons)

Meagan Duhamel and Eric Radford

Meagan Duhamel and Eric Radford

I like the concept of this costumes and the combination of colors. Eric’s shirt has many interesting details: drapery, delicate finishing with sequins, finishing on the cuffs. He looks very romantic and I also see some hint on silk male undervest from past centuries. One look at Meagan’s dress and Elie Saab and Zuhair Murad immediately come to my mind) Yeah they’re the most popular designers among figure skaters) I love an ash rose color, but it doesn’t suit everyone. I think that it’s not the best color for Megan and Eric, in general pale colors don’t suit them much.

I put Meagan and Eric above others, but I can’t name them as my winners. Oh, lets hope diva Stolbova will be back soon and teach us some style)

See some other fashion results in free program:



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5 Responses to “Grand-Prix Final 2016: pairs free program fashion review”

  1. Mad for Skating says:

    Tarasova and Morozov really need some help with those costumes!

    Seguin and Bilodeau look great, but their costumes are just a little simple for my taste. But compared to Tarasova and Morozov’s, I’ll take anything!

    Xiaoyu Yu’s dress was a great concept, but it could get tweaked a little so it looks fancier. Not a bad try, though.

    I love Cheng Peng’s dress, it’s so pretty! The color is flawless and shows off her lovely skin tone.

    Natalia looks like a butterfly! She should go skate Maria Sotskova’s program.

    I agree that Duhamel and Radford were the best-dressed. Eric looks handsome (and usually I don’t like guys in pink). Meagan’s dress is gorgeous but I don’t know if it’s her style. She is a very athletic-looking woman, and I think she looks better in dresses that show off how fit she is. The dress here is more elegant, suited for a girl who is not as muscular.

    I am all for the return of Diva Stolbova. I literally stayed up all night in excitement for Nationals! P.S. I caught a glimpse of her dress – it’s a lot like Meagan’s.

    • FS Gossips says:

      I think Meagan looks amazing in deep and darker colors like black, dark blue, red, vinous, dark purple. I also don’t think that laces is exactly what she needs. They probably wanted romantic costumes, but the dress can be romantic without laces) She also look better in dresses with minimum of finishing.

      Haha Diva Stolbova has the dress of the same color with Meagan))

      • Mad for Skating says:

        Yes, Meagan looks great in darker colors. She has a fierce look on the ice. And I personally am not sure if romantic is a good idea for her and Eric, because they are a more technical pair with less chemistry. I think something simple and bold would be great on her. Like last year’s FP dress, it was lovely on her.

        I don’t know why, but I like Ksenia in soft pink. It goes well with her skin tone, I guess. But I think her best color is black.

  2. Goranka Trivanovic says:

    With all due respect to the Review of the costumes and programmes , I must say that I donn’t agree with everything. I am not an expert, but I am someone that has been watching figure skating for more then 40 years, someone that really likes this sport and I must say that, without false modesty, I have a lot of knowledge and experience in music and costimografy. So , the dresses described in all articles are not so disaster, they should be better. I think the main problem are the “skin” materials that I hate, and the dresses without sleeves. In whole skating history the best costumes always came from Russia or SSSR, the worst definetely from USA, they definetely don’t have taste. The best ever were from Mojsejeva Minjenkov, if remember the great dance pair. Medvedeva dresses are the best, Bobrova’s also. Davis/White were great dancers, one of my favourites, but disaster in costumes. I can write more, But I will not, I will rather enjoy their skating, hoping that someone will do his/her job at the end. Best regards, dear skaters and think about Your music and costumes choices, make a story and adapt everything to Your age

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