“Out of ten thousand kids, only one will become an Olympic champion. And if it’s a genetic predisposition the girl will never return to low weight” Opinion of the journalist from Mozer team.
The representative of the Mozer team shared their view on situation with Diana Mukhametzianova who has recently gave interview where she blames the coaching staff and Nina Mozer for breaking up her pair and kicking her out the group because she gain weight while puberty.
source: zen.yandex.ru dd. 1st December, 2021 by Natalia Kalugina
Hi, my name is Natalia Kalugina. I work for MozerTeam in the context of the club’s media project. I really do not want to drag the coaches into this mess, which appeared because of the Diana Mukhametzyanova and Ilya Mironov’s pair break up. Therefore, I want to dot the i with the minimum participation of the specialists, who have a lot of work in the season (and in the off season too).
All athletes mentioned here have specific names and surnames. But they didn’t allow to reveal their little female secrets. Unlike Diana Mukhametzianova, who provoked these reflections.
Let’s start with the simplest. Has anyone heard of the so-called pyramid in sports? It’s so simple – out of ten thousand kids, one will become an Olympic champion. On the one hand, these numbers are needed in order to understand that if there are no ten thousand, the country’s chance of getting an Olympic champion will significantly reduce. But there the other side of the coin: one will become an Olympic champion. The other 9999 people, having passed through the selection, will be eliminated at different stages. Including at the stage of transition from juniors to seniors. By the way, during this period, the most painful losses happen – there seem to be the first results, but they can’t confirm them. The body is changing. Doesn’t obey. And the coach saw no prospects. This is exactly what happened to Diana Mukhametzianova. The question arises: why exactly with her?
‘The girl was gaining weight. This became dangerous for Ilya Mironov. The risk of injury on pair elements increased.’ – Says Vladislav Zhovnirsky, Honored Coach of the country. – ‘But that’s not even the point. We tried to save Diana’s back. With such a weight, she could injure her back, which already has some problems. And she has the whole life ahead…’
In principle, the answer is comprehensive. And this could be the point. But maybe the skater switched to parsley with one black crouton, a spoonful of caviar, two pineapple slices a day and a little dried apricots to support the heart muscle? And maybe she did cross-country runs every day in two sweaters and a synthetic suit, and then, after sauna, trained in full volume? That’s how one Olympic champion was brought to the Olympic Games. This is atrocity, but that athlete TOGETHER with the coach strove for a medal and deliberately went to self-torture. Maybe the coaches underestimated Diana’s aspiration?
Choreographer Ramil Mekhdiev has what to tell
Ramil Mekhdiev: When Diana was a child, her performance was very high. She was very talented and she did it everything well. She did not spend much effort because it was easy for her. As soon as the weight problems started, things became much more difficult. Plus, when a person grows up, complexes appear. When I was doing a class via Zoom with them during a pandemic, I gave them a folk lesson. For each skater, I came up with some movements. For Diana, I made a Tatar combination. Diana, a person outwardly very calm and emotionless, did not say anything to me. When the time came to show the result, she said that she would not perform the combination I proposed. I tried it different ways. She refused. I gave her combination to another girl, and again, Diana did not show any emotions. But her mother did – she called me and said that I had to make her daughter work. Diana grew up and problems appeared. When I worked with her, it was very difficult to make her show an artistic image and character. She seemed to be dodging the work. Of course, she could have been put into a difficult regime, but it would have hardly been successful. The fact is that figure skating is such kind of sport where an athlete must want the result himself, he shouldn’t do it because he was forced to. A coach is not a stick, a coach is not a Cerberus. A coach is a person who helps to correct mistakes. For two years Diana could not lose weight. I personally looked for both nutritionists and doctors. But nothing helped. I talked to her in a good way, and in a bad way – she doesn’t want to, that’s all. Lack of motivation or willpower. Or such age has come when you don’t want to do anything. All this time, Diana worked half as hard and did not want to fulfill any requirements.
There is one point that Ramil did not want to talk about – a genetic predisposition. If it is the genetic predisposition the girl will never return to low weight. However, the whole question is in relation to the situation of the heroine of the story and her mother.
About six months before the Olympic Games, we sat in a good coaching company and chatted. The topic was the weight of the potential leader of the national team. Her personal coach and also her mom sighed:
“First menstruation. We will not return to sports shape for the Games…”
One of her colleagues smiled.
“Don’t you know how it’s done? Reduce her weight below menstrual (42 kg) – you will not notice puberty. She will be in great shape …”
“Are you asking me to choose between a medal and future grandchildren?”
The coach mom’s eyes narrowed. She thought for a second. She sighed. And went to cook her daughter’s favorite dumplings. Now that athlete is a coach, she’s a happy mother and a happy wife.
Sometimes sport ends with a medal, and sometimes everything just begins with its loss. Do you remember figure skater Mozer? Do you know the coach Nina Mikhailovna Mozer? Do you remember figure skater Osipova? And the coach Elena Anatolievna Tchaikovskaya? Should I continue the list? Such is the fate of those 9999 who did not reach a single victory, did not pass through the terrible sieve of elite sports, but fell madly in love with it and made it their life.
If Diana Mukhametzianova loves figure skating so much, then one day she will have a group of children. In the group, most likely, there will not be a single potential champion. There will be a second, third, fifth … In each group, she will save someone’s life and health. And one day a flower from coach Mukhametzianova will bloom. And she and her mother, husband and child will come to Nina Mikhailovna and say thank you for the happiness of having a family and happiness of having the profession. They just don’t realize it yet.
Related topics: Nina Mozer
Honestly, these coaches’ attitude is sickening. Wanting to be healthy and respected is not equal to ultimayely being a loser and his so despited “housewife”…