Instagram review: best photos of the week [26.02-05.03.2017]

Posted on 2017-03-05 • 5 comments


Hi to everyone! It’s Sunday, time to check Instagram. Hope you didn’t forget…….Well, I know you did ;) Fortunately, my weekly Instagram review won’t go anywhere)

As usually Part 1 “Photos on the ice”

I still don’t get Liza‘s taste in costumes) “Hiding of everything possible” vs “Not hiding anything” and no middle options)

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva

Looking right into each other’s eyes

Piper Gilles Paul Porier

What a beautiful shot from Meryl and Charlie

Meryl Davis and Charlie White

Seems I should have get ussed to such photos for all these years….but no, I’m still amazed every time.

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir

Passion on ice from Piper and Paul

Piper Gilles Paul Porier

Tessa Virtue: try to find some differences

Tessa Virtue

50 shades of grey from Valentina and Ondrej

Valentina Marchei and Ondrej Hotarek

Part 2 “We love our coaches”

Jason Brown and Kori Ade “My partner in crime!”

Jason Brown

Valentina Marchei and her coach “Happy birthday coach!!”

Valentina Marchei

Part 3 “Incredibly beautiful and irresistible hot”

Now we know the secret of Meryl Davis’ great shape)

Meryl Davis

Speaking about the shape……..Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres

Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres

New photoshoop with Anna Pogorilaya

Anna Pogorilaya

Beautiful mermaid Madison Chock

Madison Chock and Evan Bates

Stylish Maia and Alex Shibutani

Maia Shibutani

Alex Shibutani

“Express yourself” from Elladj Balde

Ellaj Balde

And of course my Instagram review couldn’t pass by Johnny Weir)

Johnny Weir

Part 4 “Four-legged friends”

Eric Radford and cute dog

Eric Radford

Meagan Duhamel’s korean dog

Meagan Duhamel

Alexa Scimeca and her guards

Alexa Scimeca

Ekaterina Bobrova and her dog Saiman

Ekaterina Bobrova

Elliana Pogrebinsky and her cat

Elliana Pogrebinsky

And undoubtful winner of this category – Mirai Nagasu

Mirai Nagasu

Part 5 “Family time”

New parents Tatiana and Max

Tatiana Volosozhar

Maxim Trankov

“Love mom, dad and Zenit”

Maxim Trankov

Part 6 “Some cool stuff”

Trying a new lift


Madison Chock Evan Bates

vs Reality

Evan Bates

Figure skating frendship

Ashley Wagner and Adam Rippon

Be cool, love figure skating, keep reading fs-gossips and bring order into your wardrobe cause it’s already spring!)

Ashley Wagner, Adam Rippon

See you next Sunday!

best photos of previous week [19.02-26.02.2017]


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5 Responses to “Instagram review: best photos of the week [26.02-05.03.2017]”

  1. jimmbboe says:

    My favorite costumes of Liza’s are from the season she won Worlds. Love the pictures of Tatiana and Max and baby!

  2. Mad for Skating says:

    Wow, Vanessa’s family is so lovely!
    Okay, Ashley, you look good but please leave that gold dress at home…you don’t want to have the Gracie “gold dress, not going to Worlds” situation. *closing my eyes*

  3. Mad for Skating says:

    I think I’ll never understand Liza’s costumes :)

    Meryl and Charlie…ahhhhhh

    Passion, Piper, and Paul – three words I didn’t think I’d ever hear together haha.

    I want to sit up like Valentina there…but I’d be terrified of falling off!

    Aww Jason…he is so sweet. Let me look at that picture for a few minutes…

    Um so how many of us are jealous of gorgeous Vanessa right now?

    ShibSibs always have the coolest pictures!

    Um Johnny…why the vest on the beach? Isn’t it a little warm?

    All the pets are SO cute!

    I’m smiling at this Trankov family. This is just too cute. Tatiana and little Angelica found a way to soften up even big scary Max!

    Those lifts haha…

    OK I am jealous of Ashley for two reasons: best friend Adam and that gold dress! (Is the gold a sign for Worlds? Let’s hope so!)

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