Ilia Malinin: “I decided to go for a quad axel literally when I stepped out onto the ice and got into the starting position.”

Posted on 2024-03-24 • No comments yet


Translation of Ilia Malinin’s comments about winning at the 2024 World Championships.

original source: by Maya Bagriantseva

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“I’m at a loss for words, I never thought I could skate like that. I still can’t believe that I’m a world champion. The emotions are overwhelming.

The program flew by so fast – I stepped onto the ice and before I knew it, it was all over.

I decided to go for a quad axel literally when I stepped out onto the ice and got into the starting position – until then I had planned to do a triple. But I’m glad I didn’t back down.

The crowd here is just incredible. I felt their support and after completing each element, this wave grew, it was as if they carried me in their arms almost the entire program.

I’m glad I decided to come, even though I wasn’t sure I could – it was tough both physically and emotionally.

I was able to focus 100 percent on the skate and trusted my body.

I didn’t expect such scores, it will give me new motivation to work next season. But first, I need to rest well.

Today I was competing with incredible figure skaters, real legends. We push each other forward – I admire them. It’s a great honour to perform with them on the same ice,” Sports Correspondent Maya Bagriantseva reported Malinin’s words.


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