Tatiana Tarasova: “I believe they will allow us to compete internationally before the next season.”

Posted on 2024-01-03 • No comments yet


Translation of Tatiana Tarasova’s comments regarding the return of Russian skaters to the international arena.

original source: MatchTV

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Tatiana Tarasova shared her thoughts about the time when Russian skaters can be allowed to compete internationally. Here’s a translation of her comments.

Q: Are you expecting positive news from the ISU in 2024?

Tatiana Tarasova: Of course, we are waiting for news about returning to the international arena. I believe they will allow us to compete before the next season.

Q: What could work in favor of such a decision by the ISU?

Tatiana Tarasova: I think they’ve simply had enough of extending the suspension.

Q: What would you wish everyone for the New Year?

Tatiana Tarasova: Health, happiness, and peaceful skies overhead.”


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