Alexandra Trusova: “What you’ve been striving for is over, and you don’t know what to do next. My whole career was built on the fact that I had to perform at the Olympics.”

Posted on 2023-11-21 • No comments yet


Translation of Alexandra Trusova’s comments about preparations for the Olympics and her emotions after.

original source: Okko Sports

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Here’s a translation of Alexandra Trusova’s comments about preparing for the Olympics and her emotions after winning silver made in a podcast fro Okko Sports.

Q: How many times did you reach your peak form in the Olympic season?

Alexandra Trusova: It wasn’t something deliberate. I just wanted to skate like that throughout the entire season. We had a break in May, and by the end of July, I was already cleanly landing five quadruple jumps. I was already in good shape.

It takes me two months from the condition after the break to having five quads. Two months. And when I broke my leg, I clearly counted two months until the Olympics, rested, healed my leg, and started preparing from that moment.

Naturally, if I say now that I will be jumping five quads in two months – no, it won’t happen. It’s a slightly different process; I’m constantly on the ice, always at the rink, I know what needs to be done. And then there will be five.

It was better at the test skates because, after all, I prepared for more than two months. I skated and trained, and nothing hurt. And here (for the Olympics), it turns out to be exactly two months. So, I couldn’t perform better.

You go, you go towards it, and as if you finish it with your last strength. And that’s it, they end here.

I don’t know, if it were any other season, would I have jumped as much? Even though there were seasons when I trained more and jumped more – at 15, for example. But I didn’t reach such a form. It’s all built up over the years.

Q: Tell us about the preparation and performance at the Games.

Alexandra Trusova: Initially, we flew to Krasnoyarsk for the pre-Olympic training camp. We trained there not for a very long time, but all the judges flew with us, watched our mistakes, corrected them, filmed us every day.

Then we flew to Beijing. We were there for three weeks and also trained every day. Perhaps the most unusual and strange thing is that no matter how you trained, it’s always on the internet.

We are all human, we all make mistakes. And when I read that I messed up the training… I thought: for myself, I didn’t mess up. Yes, maybe it turned out a little worse than yesterday. But every time there were headlines that I messed up everything. It was strange and unusual.

The training schedule absolutely did not coincide with how we trained in Moscow. We had either one or two 30-minute sessions – it’s very little for us. One 30-minute session at 6 in the morning, and then, in theory, a day off. It was also unusual.

Well, the performance itself… I was really looking forward to going out on the ice. We skated third, I already watched the guys, the dances, and understood that after the dances, it’s our turn. The team event is over, many have already skated, but I haven’t.

I really wanted to go out and skate, especially for the short program. Because of this, I probably didn’t worry at all.

Q: What was your emotions after the Olympics?

Alexandra Trusova: What you’ve been striving for is over, and you don’t know what you want next. You go, go, go… It passes, and you’re like: what to do next?

Personally, my whole career was built on the fact that I had to qualify for the Olympics and perform there. You go towards it, and every competition you tell yourself: why worry, this is not the Olympics.

When you reach this point… I can’t say what the feeling is. Certainly, joy that it worked out. But the rest somehow… I don’t know,” said the figure skater in an interview with Okko Sport.


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