“I couldn’t even imagine that they would punish us so severely. It’s just mockery towards us.” ISU has extended the suspension of Russian skaters, comments from Russian specialists

Posted on 2023-06-11 • 6 comments


The International Skating Union (ISU) has extended the suspension of Russians and Belarusians. Comments from Russian coaches and specialists.

photo profile.ru

source: RSport / TASS / MatchTV / TASS / TASS / Sport-Express / MatchTV

Russian and Belarusian athletes have been suspended from competitions under the auspices of the ISU since March 2022.

“The ISU Council held a meeting on June 9-11, 2023, and discussed the recommendations of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) dated March 28 for international federations regarding the participation of athletes with Russian or Belarusian passports in international competitions.

The Council will continue to monitor the situation in Ukraine and its impact on the activities of the ISU, as well as the decisions and their implementation within the Olympic movement. At the same time, the ISU Communication 2469 (regarding the suspension of Russian and Belarusian athletes) remains in effect,” the official website of the organization reports.

Alexander Kogan (FFKR Gneral Director): We had some hope, although it was small. It’s very unfortunate that common sense did not prevail at ISU, especially after their financial report. From the perspective of the international season, they stated that they might reconsider the issue at the autumn ISU Council. We’ll see if they do it or not. As for us, we will carry out our competitions in full accordance with our plans.

Tatiana Tarasova: I didn’t expect such a decision, I couldn’t even imagine that they would punish us so severely. It’s just mockery towards us. Nobody has ever been suspended for two years like this.

Ilia Averbukh: I am very disappointed with this decision; it is absolutely opportunistic and misguided, and it will certainly impact the development of world figure skating. Without competition, there can be no growth, and Russian figure skaters are the headliners of the global skating community.

Everything that was said yesterday in the report about revenue decline is nothing but a money grab using the absence of Russian athletes as an excuse. As we can see, they don’t have any real remorse for our athletes not competing.

Natalia Bestemiyanova: Well, here we go again with another get-together in the international competitions, which no one is interested in anymore.

If I were the leaders of major sports organizations, I would consider alternative competitions during the scheduled dates of the European Championships, Four Continents Championships, and World Championships. Let’s see where the advertisers would go.

I believe there are countries that would host international competitions with us. Remember the World Championships? It was ridiculous, not a real competition. There are federations and organizations that organize championships.

Throughout history, athletes have been kept separate from politics. Why bring it into play now?

When they {ISU} announced their financial losses yesterday, I had an internal feeling that they were doing it on purpose to seek sympathy. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have emphasized it so much.

Of course, there was hope that our athletes would be allowed to participate, but it’s clear that without some drastic changes, nothing will happen in sports. Unfortunately, organizations like ISU are easily influenced and cannot keep sports separate from politics. But I always hope for the best.

Alexei Yagudin: I didn’t even doubt that they would make this decision. Just a day before, they announced that there were no revenues, no new contracts, and now they are extending the suspension.

Although the logic is clear – ISU wants to show how ‘difficult’ it was for them to maintain our suspension against their own interests.

Yes, we want to be reinstated, but I want to remind everyone that over the past year, we have showed that we can manage on our own and organize brilliant competitions.

Figure skating in our country has been loved and will continue to be loved. No other country can compare in this regard. Let’s see who will prevail in this sport – ISU or Russia.

Maria Butirskaya: The news is not pleasant because many still hoped that ISU would allow our athletes to participate in international competitions. Figure skaters have a very short athletic career, so it’s sad that these guys might be missing out possibly the best years of their international careers.

Nevertheless, the past season was still interesting. I’m confident that our federation will continue to support and motivate our athletes. It’s important to have an incentive, a reason to skate.

We’ll find a way to manage. Not many people want to see our athletes in international competitions, so there won’t be any medals left for others.

Butyrskaya also expressed her thoughts on how the extension of the suspension could impact Russian figure skating.

Maria Butirskaya: Yes, perhaps some athletes will simply end their careers, and some may change citizenship if the opportunity arises. But it’s not good that they don’t specify the exact duration of our suspension. The athletes really want to compete in international competitions.

The only thing I’m sure of is that our federation will do everything to ensure our athletes have exciting competitions, that nobody will give up training, and that the level of figure skating in our country won’t decline.

Alexei Zheleznyakov (choreographer in Tutberidze’s group): The decision didn’t come as a surprise. I recently mentioned that in these Western and European countries, it’s not the high-ranking sports officials who decide anything. Big politics and high-ranking officials in political circles make the decisions.

There’s a special discrimination and discredit against Russians and our Belarusian brothers. So, this is not surprising at all. I predicted it right away. Even at their own expense. There’s a brilliant saying: ‘To spite one’s grandmother, I’ll freeze my ears.’ That’s about them.

They will do everything to discredit and discriminate against Russian and Belarusian athletes. These decisions are made by high-level political circles, and sports officials follow orders from above.

They might even be willing to stop all of this and cooperate with us. They are already crying out to their own politicians, saying, ‘Look at our losses.’ But they are not heard, and they won’t be listened to. It’s a political and information war. That’s why all of this will continue to happen. It’s not surprising.


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6 Responses to ““I couldn’t even imagine that they would punish us so severely. It’s just mockery towards us.” ISU has extended the suspension of Russian skaters, comments from Russian specialists”

  1. Lily says:

    So biased comments let Russia compete And ban America and Israel from the sport who actually bombing innocent civilians in Palestine! Remove the israel from all kind a sport.

  2. Kris McCleery says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. No more Russians in international sport period. Let them do their drugs and compete against each other at home. Won’t all the boys have to go fight in their stupid war soon anyway?

  3. La France sportive says:

    Phillipa Foulds you are so LIAR
    my other comment is for YOU TOO

  4. La France sportive says:

    kathy maybe you can be not a Fake News
    the valieva case is about medics with 100% guarantee no positive effect (=no doping effect) in the other side the hearth toxic is one of numbered bad side effect
    so every ppl with smart can understand there is nothing but error about contaminated glass and nothing more

    she is not the every day use doping case as simone biles the so much fakemous “talent” who use medic for Tdha claimed with 100% guarantee of doping effect

  5. Phillipa Foulds says:

    What a bunch of whiners these Russians are! No other country in the history of the Olympics has cheated so blatantly and gotten away with it. For years, Russians have competed under the Olympic flag rather than their own because of their continual use of illegal drugs. It’s time to ban them for at least 10 years instead of looking the other way. I, and the majority of skating fans who aren’t Russian, have not missed seeing them in competition. It’s been much more interesting watching skating with clean athletes. I particularly don’t miss the starving little girls with their pre-rotated, cheated ‘quads’ and arm thrashing, leg flinging programs with no relation to the music that are overly marked. Meanwhile, the non-doping teams are still waiting for their team medals. Instead of whining about how mistreated and discriminated against they are (boo hoo hoo, poor cheating babies), why doesn’t Russia clean up their act instead and try to win without drugs? Oh, because they can’t win without cheating.

  6. Kathy Lange says:

    It’s amazing they don’t even mention any correction in their action of training or any remorse on the fact Olympic medals have yet to be give to skaters because of their cheating. It’s just win no matter how much you cheat. No ethics.

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