Satoko Miyahara: “Since I think everyone is learning to skate because they love it, my message is to never forget that feeling.”

Posted on 2023-06-03 • No comments yet


Interview with Satoko Miyahara for Stars on Ice Canada Tour.

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source: dd. 30th May 2023 by Michiru Miyai

Satoko Miyahara, who immediately joined the SOI Canada tour after finishing her competitive career last year. In her second year of the tour, she has developed a close bond with the Canadian team members.

She has been posting photos on Instagram during the tour, appearing very relaxed. I had the chance to speak with Miyahara just before the Vancouver performance.

This is your second year participating in the SOI Canada tour. How is it going?

Satoko Miyahara: It’s been really enjoyable. Last year was my first time participating, and I was a bit nervous entering a team composed mainly of Canadian skaters. However, everyone was incredibly kind and welcoming. This year, with an international roster that includes skaters from the United States and Europe, it feels fresh and different from last year.

How do you feel about touring different cities and performing shows?

Satoko Miyahara: I think I’ve become more accustomed to skating right after arriving at a new rink. It’s exciting to skate while experiencing the different feelings of the ice and the varying reactions from the audience in each venue. During the tour, there’s a lot of traveling, so I’ve learned to prioritize taking care of my body and maintaining good skating condition. I also enjoy trying local foods, so it’s fun to go out and eat delicious cuisine in each city with everyone.

Many fans are looking forward to seeing a different side of you as a show skater compared to when you were a competitive athlete.

Satoko Miyahara: I believe I’ve become more accustomed to performing in shows compared to last year. While there are different challenges in showcasing various programs compared to when I was competing, it’s enjoyable.

Do you have any favorite performances in this tour?

Satoko Miyahara: I cherish my solo performances, but I love the 007 program!

(At that moment, Kurt Browning, who was warming up on the side rink, skates by and calls out, “Satoko!”)

Satoko Miyahara: (Kurt is) an amazing skater, but he’s truly bright and fun!

Just outside the venue earlier, some Japanese girls who were learning to skate mentioned that they were looking forward to your performance. Do you have any message for them?

Satoko Miyahara: That makes me happy. …Yes, well, since I think everyone is learning to skate because they love it, my message is to never forget that feeling. There may be difficult times, but what I cherish is not forgetting why we continue to pursue this passion. I hope that during those moments, they can once again feel how great skating is.

Miyahara smiles, saying that she’s the only Japanese member among the team, but they are all very close to each other. After this, she will tour cities in the United States until early June.

“I want to continue participating in various shows as much as possible, and if I receive an offer from SOI, I would love to join. I want to keep showcasing different aspects of myself through my performances,” she said.

When asked about her impression of Canada, she replied, “Canadian maple syrup is truly delicious, and I also love Nanaimo Bars, a specialty of Vancouver Island!” revealing her sweet tooth.


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