Take it off immediately. Pairs. Season 2017-2018

Posted on 2018-06-04 • 3 comments


Welcome to the annual anti-ranking of costumes. Fortunately, not many duos deсided to shock us with their super creative costumes.

Every time Natasha stopped during the program and shyly started to unlace her costume it seemed to me that she’s a young naive actress who has a casting with lascivious director.  Sasha also has some weird moment “Release the kraken sea plant”

Natalia Zabijako Alexander Enbert

Fish-men, dolphin-men, a scene from the life of infusorians, this fascinating world of microbes, oh yes these costumes of Nicole Della Monica and Matteo Guarise got many names.

Only one camera angle could save this costumes……am I right, ladies?

Anna Duskova Martin Bidar. When stripes go crazy.

And our regular participantes of this rubric Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov. What can I say? It’s also some kind of consistency. This season they amazed us with bloody bandages and Vova’s deep neckline.

Tarasova Morozov

and left us speechless with polka dot costumes. You look and understand “Yes, this is the first pair of country with rich skating traditions and medal contenders”.  The dog-collar and perfect quality of nude illusion mesh deserves special mention. *sarcasm*

Evegnia Tarasova Vladimir Morozov




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3 Responses to “Take it off immediately. Pairs. Season 2017-2018”

  1. Mad for Skating says:

    I can agree, I was definitely not a fan of Zabijako/Enbert’s mid-program costume change. Sasha’s shirt is like a poor imitation of some Johnny Weir costume. And your description about Natasha and the director is now giving me the creeps. If they were going to do white and purple, why couldn’t they borrow some tips from Aliona and Bruno?

    I don’t think Nicole and Matteo’s costumes were horrible…perhaps I was too busy looking at the back view to be annoyed with the colors. I think there were at least some good intentions here.

    Duskova/Bidar’s costumes remind me of when you stand up too fast and you start seeing crazy patterns and colors in your eyes. If you’re going to do stripes, just do the stripes and be done with them, don’t add all the frills!

    Zhenya and Vova’s short program costumes remind me of little children unwrapping Christmas presents and getting tangled in the ribbons. I remember at the beginning of the season I messaged a friend, who is a big fan of them: “Zhenya and Vova won the short program at Nebelhorn! Not sure about the costumes but the program is fine…” Your description of bloody bandages is accurate too.

    And ah, yes, the polka dots. How could we forget? I think many podium photos were ruined by these things. I wonder how many times they will allow Cinderella to attend the ball in rags. I thought maybe since they are Russia’s best pair, they would have some decent costumes this year…but then they wouldn’t be Tarasova/Morozov, am I right? :) I think the world can agree on three things: Aliona Savchenko is a queen, Russian ice dance is crazy, and Candyman was a hot mess.

    On the subject of yellow, Astakhova/Rogonov deserve a mention simply for his tie.

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