Instagram review: best photos of the week [01.06-07.06.2019]

Part 1 “On the ice” Karen Chen Part 2 “Incredibly beautiful and irresistible hot” Victoria [...]
Merry Christmas 2017!

Happy Holidays! Some Christmas photos from skaters' Instagrams. Adam and girls Mae Berenice [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [30.07-06.08.2017]

Time to check Instagram! Not that much photos were posted this week. The season starts soon) Part 1 “Photos on the [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [21.02-28.02.2016]

Lots of cool photos appeared on skaters instagram accounts this week. It was very difficult to choose the [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [14.02-21.02.2016]

Weekly review of skaters instagram accounts. Best photos, best moments!) Maia and Alex Shibutani usually have some [...]