Kamila Valieva has filed a new appeal with the Swiss Federal Court regarding a case of anti-doping rule violation
Kamila Valieva has filed a new appeal with the Swiss Federal Court. original source: RSport View this [...]
Anna Pogorilaya: “Loena Hendrickx said that Russian girls are stuffed with doping. Well, they are not here and you still don’t win! Polina Edmunds said that she saw how Russians mixed doping. What the heck did you see? It’s like they’re trying to justify their weakness.”
Anna Pogorilaya about Kamila Valieva's doping case and foreigners' attitudes towards Russians. original source: [...]
Daniil Gleikhengauz: “Valieva’s return to the sport should be like the explosion of the Universe. A huge number of people are waiting for this.”
Daniil Glekhengauz about Kamila Valieva. original source: YouTube channel «DobroFON» View this post on [...]
“Giving up a sports career at such a young age would probably be foolish.” Kamila Valieva plans to return to sports after the end of her doping ban
Kamila Valieva about plans to return to sports. original source: RSport View this post on Instagram [...]
Philipp Shvetsky: “What is indecent about Valieva’s Grandpa version and why it was subjected to massive criticism and ridicule — I still don’t understand” and “Those who accused Russian athletes should just be treated, or at least examined.”
Open letter from doctor Philipp Shvetsky. original source: Sovsport dd. 23d October by Sergei Peremutov photo [...]
Daniil Glekhengauz: “People just don’t understand this. It’s not about age at all. A person won the Olympics at 15 years, achieving their biggest goal, their dream. After that, it was harder to find motivation.”
Daniil Glekhengauz about woman's single skating, raise of age minimum, suspension of Russian athletes, Alexandra [...]
Kamila Valieva: “In professional sports, it’s not about health. The way we maintained our weight and how we ate left much to be desired. I was a child and even though I tried to practice healthy eating, we were still weighed every day at lunch.”
Kamila Valieva about weight control. original source: Forbes Education podcast "GO study! View this post [...]
“We are just working together, as colleagues.” “Everything that happened with Valieva was unfair.” Evgenia Medvedeva about Tutberidze and Valieva
Evgenia Medvedeva about her ralationship with Eteri Tutberidze and Valieva's doping case. original source: RSport / [...]
“Does it look like someone made a big mistake? It seems so.” Tatiana Tarasova in Valieva’s doping case
Tatiana Tarasova commented on the doping case of Kamila Valieva. original source: Nadezhda Strelets youtube [...]
“No athlete will take any pill from a doctor’s hands. Only the coach can give them that pill. Nothing happens without the coach.” Tatiana Tarasova about Valieva’s doping case
Translation of Tatiana Tarasova's comments about Kamila Valieva's doping case. original source: Russia 1 [...]
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: “I don’t understand doping is figure skating. There’s no pill that gives you super technique. You have to concentrate on your movements and coordination. And to achieve good coordination, you need to work very hard.”
Translation of Elizaveta Tuktamysheva's comments about Kamila Valieva's disqualification. original source: Evgenia [...]
Kamila Valieva: “I want to express my immense gratitude to our president for the support, for such attention, it means a lot.”
Translation of Kamila Valieva's comments about the "Games of the Future" tournament. original source: RSport [...]
Eteri Tutberidze: “She was clean everywhere – before and after in all the competitions. Why would she be given doping at the Russian Nationals? She was winning all season.”
Translation of Eteri Tutberidze's comments made in an interview for NHK. original source: sports.ru View [...]
“From my side, I can say that I did not knowingly take doping.” Kamila Valieva in an interview for NHK
Translation of Kamila Valieva's comments made in an interview for NHK. source: NHK, posted on Team Tutberidze's [...]
“Lawyers and the federation are preparing a strong position that, we hope, will influence a change in the CAS decision regarding Valieva” deputy Svishchev
The lawyers are preparing to challenge Valieva’s ban. original source: MatchTV View this post on [...]
“The bronze medal is a signal for a doping-free sport and that we strive for it.” Loena Hendrickx on possibly getting a bronze of 2021 Europeans following Valieva’s ban
Translation of Loena Hendrickx's comments about Valieva's doping case and potentially getting bronze of the 2021 [...]
Renat Laishev: “Kamila Valieva has become a victim of Western lies. They are bastards and scoundrels – both in WADA and in the IOC.”
Translation of Renat Laishev's, the president of "Sambo-70", comments about Valieva's doping case. original source: [...]
Tutberidze claimed that she does not control and does not discuss with the team doctors the medications and supplements, which are given to the athletes of the team
Eteri Tutberidze provided written testimony to RUSADA in the case of Kamila Valieva. original source: [...]
Tatiana Tarasova: “In Tutberidze’s position I would say that I’m guilty, made a mistake, gave the wrong thing, but would take responsibility off the child. This seems to be the only right decision”
Tatiana Tarasova commented on Eteri Tutberidze's statement about Valieva's doping case. original source: [...]
Eteri Tutberidze: “After two years, nothing has become clear, the origin of this drug has not been investigated, and there are still many questions. Only accusations from different sides are coming our way.”
Eteri Tutberidze commented on the verdict made by CAS in Kamila Valieva's doping case. original source: [...]
“A deliberately planned attack to ensure that the Olympic team medal went to the American team”; “Burn in hell, bitches.” Russian coaches and functionaries about the decision on Valieva’s case
Translation of the comments made by Russian figure skating leadership and coaches regarding the CAS decision to [...]
Kamila Valieva is found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation and sanctioned with a four-year period of ineligibility commencing on 25 December 2021
Kamila Valieva is found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation and sanctioned with a four-year period of [...]
“Only one person has taken the lie detector test – doctor Shvetsky. In response to a question about involvement in the incident with Valieva, he answered negatively.” Journalist Zhukov
Journalist Zhukov told that doctor Shvetsky answered questions about Valieva during a lie detector test. original [...]
“Initially, there was another version involving Kamila’s dog. But it was quickly abandoned.” journalist about Valieva’s doping case
Journalist Zhukov revealed another version in Valieva's case that was rejected. original source: "Po moyey infe" [...]