Ivan Shmurantko: “Adapting to the new realities of skating in Ukraine was challenging. Now the process is more clear for moving, not just surviving.”

Interview with Ivan Shmuratko. original source: suspilne.media View this post on Instagram A [...]
“Direct support for the killing of people.” Ivan Shmuratko condemned the admission of figure skaters training in Russia and Russian coaches to competitions

Ukrainian figure skater Ivan Shmuratko about skaters who continue to train in Russia. original source: [...]
Ivan Shmuratko: “My mission is to represent my country. I want people in Europe and in the world to not forget about the war in Ukraine.”

Translation of the interview with Ivan Shmuratko about European Championships, his programs, training conditions and [...]
Ivan Shmuratko: “My short program is a story about a father whose child is killed by a missile. We created this program without hints: we wanted to show everything as it’s happening in Ukraine right now.”

Translation of Ivan Shmuratko's comments about his program, Grand Prix Espoo and training during a war [...]
“I dream of returning home and training on the home rink.” How Ukrainian figure skating survives during the war.

Translation of the article about how Ukrainian figure skating survives during the war. photo vikna tv source: [...]