Alexei Zheleznyakov: “If Trusova wants to return to professional sports, she will have to forget about her family, and the family will fall apart. She needs to choose – family or professional sports.”

Posted on 2024-06-26 • 1 comment

Alexei Zheleznyakov on Trusova's prospects to return to competitions. original source: Metaratings View [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “There are crazy trainings loads at the Tutberidze group, so it was quite challenging for Daniel Grassl. He encountered a completely different work pace.”

Posted on 2024-04-26 • No comments yet

Alexei Zheleznyakov about his work with Daniel Grassl. original source: Metaratings View this post on [...]

“A deliberately planned attack to ensure that the Olympic team medal went to the American team”; “Burn in hell, bitches.” Russian coaches and functionaries about the decision on Valieva’s case

Posted on 2024-01-30 • 15 comments

Translation of the comments made by Russian figure skating leadership and coaches regarding the CAS decision to [...]

“She deserves a monument for her many years of high-achievement sports career.” Coaches and former athletes about Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s decision to take a pause in her career

Posted on 2023-10-18 • No comments yet

Translation of the comments made by Russian coaches, former athletes about the news that Elizaveta Tuktamysheva [...]

“I don’t believe that a court, presided over by an American, will surprise us with a decision that we consider fair. We don’t care because we know she is innocent.” Tarasova and Zheleznyakov Valieva’s doping case

Posted on 2023-09-16 • No comments yet

Tatiana Tarasova and choreographer Alexei Zheleznyakov about upcoming hearing in the Valieva's doping case. [...]

“To call yourself a choreographer, you need to have an education!” Alena Kostornaia has become a choreographer at the Plushenko’s Academy, comments from Zhulin and Zheleznyakov

Posted on 2023-09-03 • 1 comment

Alena Kostornaia has become a choreographer at the Evgeni Plushenko's Academy. Zhulin and Zheleznyakov commented. [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “Figure skaters without the basics of classical dance training are not figure skaters; they are ‘flying stools.'”

Posted on 2023-08-23 • No comments yet

Choreographer of Tutberidze's group, Alexei Zheleznyakov about training process, choreography, new programs for Adelia [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “Daria Usacheva is now coaching kids in Tutberidze’s school. She learned from us and now she’s passing it all on to the children.”

Posted on 2023-08-18 • No comments yet

Daria Usacheva is trying herself as a coach now. View this post on Instagram A post shared by [...]

“We turned the other cheek, and they beat us.” Alexei Zheleznyakov about the vulnerable Tutberidze and suspension of Russian athletes

Posted on 2023-07-06 • No comments yet

Interview with the choreographer of Eteri Tutberidze's group, Alexei Zheleznyakov. photo RSport source: RSport [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “Gleikhengauz can do a lot of things, but he didn’t go through the versatile dancer’s path. We study a wide range of stylistics, while Daniil is an ice choreographer with certain limitations.”

Posted on 2023-06-29 • 1 comment

Interview with choreographer of Tutberidze's group Alexei Zheleznyakov. photo RSport source: RSport dd. 27th [...]

“I couldn’t even imagine that they would punish us so severely. It’s just mockery towards us.” ISU has extended the suspension of Russian skaters, comments from Russian specialists

Posted on 2023-06-11 • 6 comments

The International Skating Union (ISU) has extended the suspension of Russians and Belarusians. Comments from Russian [...]

“He trained himself and already provided additional lessons for children. Some people approach him to improve their technique. I think he will succeed.” Alexei Zheleznyakov on Morisi Kvitelashvili’s retirement and plans to coach

Posted on 2023-06-09 • No comments yet

Choreographer Alexei Zheleznyakov, who works in Eteri Tutberidze's group about Morisi Kvitelashvili's decision to [...]

“We’re so fed up that they mock us like some kind of lab animals. And who is mocking? They better look at themselves – batshit transgenders.” Russian coaches about the IOC conditions for the admission of Russians athletes

Posted on 2023-03-29 • 2 comments

Russian coaches about the IOC conditions for the admission of Russians athletes to international [...]

“Gubanova can face biased judging because everyone knows that she is Russian anyway” Alexei Zheleznyakov, choreographer of Tutberidze’s group

Posted on 2023-03-24 • No comments yet

Alexei Zheleznyakov, choreographer of the Eteri Tutberidze group, assessed the prospects of ex-Russians, as well as [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “World Championships is inferior without Russians. When the main skaters in the world are not in the mix nobody benefits from this. Ratings are falling.”

Posted on 2023-03-23 • No comments yet

Alexei Zheleznyakov, choreographer in the group of Eteri Tutberidze about 2023 World Championships. source: [...]

“Daniel came to work with us, yesterday he even attended my jazz class.” Alexei Zheleznyakov choreographer of Tutberidze’s group

Posted on 2023-01-06 • 2 comments

The choreographer of the Eteri Tutberidze group, spoke about the visit of the Italian figure skater Daniel Grassl to [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “As a choreographer, I’ll say from personal experience that Kostornaia is suitable for pair skating. She isn’t tall. If she tries hard, then everything will work out!”

Posted on 2023-01-05 • No comments yet

The choreographer of the group of Eteri Tutberidze Alexei Zheleznyakov shared his opinion on the prospects of the 2020 [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “Trusova run away from the Nationals. What fever? She was scared of the competition, she’s just not in good physical shape, and that’s all.”

Posted on 2022-12-27 • 2 comments

The choreographer of the group Eteri Tutberidze Alexei Zheleznyakov commented on the performance of Kamila Valieva at [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “Tutberidze wasn’t included in the ISU “Best Coach” nominees due to a doping scandal. I think this is wrong. Nothing has been proven.”

Posted on 2022-12-16 • 2 comments

The choreographer of the Eteri Tutberidze group, Alexei Zheleznyakov, in a conversation with Match TV, said that he [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “I have full confidence that Valieva is a clean athlete. This is either a provocation or a fake sample. Some ill-wishers could pour something into her bottle or food.”

Posted on 2022-11-08 • No comments yet

The choreographer of the Eteri Tutberidze group, Alexei Zheleznyakov, spoke about the referring of Kamila Valieva's [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “Parents should help protect Kamila from malicious information: lock her from social networks, from reading articles and news, so as not to unsettle her, not to spoil her mood.”

Posted on 2022-10-25 • 1 comment

The choreographer of the group Eteri Tutberidze Alexei Zheleznyakov about the victory of Kamila Valieva at the Russian [...]

“In sports, we’re required to win medals and treat children gently at the same time, but this doesn’t work that way.” Alexei Zheleznyakov about criticism of Tutberidze’s methods

Posted on 2022-10-13 • No comments yet

Choreographer Alexei Zheleznyakov spoke about criticism of the coach Eteri Tutberidze. photo by source: [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “Trusova always likes to find someone to blame for her problems. This transfer is ingratitude.”

Posted on 2022-10-06 • 3 comments

Alexei Zheleznyakov take a short break and then commented again on Alexandra Trusova leaving Tutberidze's group. Seems [...]

Alexei Zheleznyakov: “We must look for problems in ourselves, not in coaches. Trusova doesn’t know how to listen to wise people and hasn’t been attending choreography class.”

Posted on 2022-10-03 • 1 comment

Choreographer of the group Eteri Tutberidze Alexei Zheleznyakov spoke about the transfer of Alexandra Trusova to coach [...]