Kostornaia, Shcherbakova, Trusova trio about their performances in the SP at the Europeans 2020

Posted on 2020-01-25 • No comments yet


Alena Kostornaia, Anna Shcherbakova and Alexandra Trusova about their performances in the short program at the European Championships 2020.

photo Twitter / FigureSkatingRu

Alexandra Trusova: I don’t know (what is the mistake on the double axel – ed.), I just always want to jump the triple axel. Now, after the New Year holidays, I have not restored it well enough.

Maybe I grown by one centimeter during this time. The content that I have now, I gained in two weeks (after the holidays), and the one that I want to show in a free program, we prepared in two days before the start of the European Championships.

by rsport.ria.ru

Anna Shcherbakova: In general, the skate was about the same as at the Russian Nationals. Some moments I did better there, some here. Today I was nervous, and perhaps this affected. Because it’s important competitions.

I always nervous, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. This is normal and helps to show myself better. Well, this is my first senior season. The triple axel is not so ready yet, while I can’t say that I am ready to do it at competitions.

Answering a question about growing up and body changes, Shcherbakova said: “I am growing (physically), but, thank God, there are no leaps. There is no discoordination.”

by rsport.ria.ru

Alena Kostornaia: I did everything as always, probably I’m satisfied, and most importantly, I coped with the task. The arena is a bit non-standard, but there is nothing wrong with it, the organization is generally good, and the athletes are supported very warmly supported.

After the New Year holidays, I had to re-learned all the jumps, there was a wild discoordination. I went on the ice and did not understand how to skate.

If I grow two and a half centimeters during the holidays, I understand that something is going wrong. It happened now, I grew up, but I do not think that it affected somehow.

by rsport.ria.ru


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