Best costumes from ISU JGP St. Gervais | short dance

Honestly, I'm not impressed with costumes for the short dance( So, I guess it'll be a season of white shirts with [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP St. Gervais | ladies short program

Congratulations! We've survived the off season. First junior grand-prix started yesterday and I can't wait to share [...]
Sasha Cohen got married [photos]

This summer was reach for figure skaters' weddings! August 20, Sasha Cohen and Tom May got married. Congratulation to [...]
Aliona Savchenko got married [photos]

August 18 Aliona Savchenko and Liam Cross got married. Today appeared more photos from the wedding. The wedding was [...]
Satoko Miyahara new free program [video]

Satoko Miyahara showed her new free program at The Ice 2016. Free program to Planets/Star Wars The program is [...]
Ekaterina Bobrova and Andrei Deputat wedding: A Study in Purple

Another article about Ekaterina Bobrova and Andrei Deputat's wedding in Russian Hello magazine. Hope you'll enjoy my [...]
Ekaterina Bobrova and Andrei Deputat got married

17th, July Ekaterina Bobrova and Andrei Deputat got married! Official color - violet, three changes of the dress, [...]
Ekaterina Bobrova and Andrei Deputat: Love story

Ekaterina Bobrova preparing for the wedding: July 16 she will marry Andrei Deputat. Ekaterina told about meeting with [...]
Adelina Sotnikova celebrated her 20th Birthday

On July 2, Olympic figure skating champion Adelina Sotnikova celebrated her 20th Birthday. At the party, held in a [...]
Best costumes: ladies short program

Need to say, girls looked just fabulous! Lots of great dresses! It wasn't easy to choose the best. 5. Dasa [...]
Best costumes: men’s short program

Talking about men's costumes in figure skating I always emphasise that for me the masculinity is very important. Yes, [...]
Best costumes: short dance

I can't say that I'm agree with the first results in ice dance (especially with first and second place). But I will try [...]
World Junior Championships. Costume review: free dance

Costumes play huge part in figure skating, but in ice dance it a very important thing! Costumes can help to make your [...]
World Junior Championships. Costume review: ladies short program

45 girls performed their short programs at World Junior Championships in Debrecen! But unfortunately it wasn't too [...]
World Junior Championships. Costume review: pairs

At World junior Championships 2016 competed not many pairs - only 14. So, it means only 28 costumes) That's why, [...]
World Junior Championships. Costume review: short dance
I always expect a lot from ice dancers' costumes, because their ideas are not to limited by jumps and high lifts. They [...]
Fashion inspiration
Lots of skaters and creators of their costumes find the inspiration in works of famous designers. I think the most [...]
New dress for Elena Radionova

In her interview before the European Championships Elena Radionova promised us a surprise in her free program. It [...]
Costume changes before Europeans

For the European Championships some ice dancers decided to change their costumes for the short dance. Let's take a [...]
Figure skating babies
This summer was rich for figure skating weddings, some other skaters announced about their engagements and some are [...]
How skaters celebrated New Year. Part 2

Lets take a look how skaters celebrated New Year 2016. Victoria Sinitsina continues to post Nikita Katsalapov's [...]
How skaters celebrated New Year

Photos of skaters celebrating New Year. Let's see what they was wearing, where did the celebrate and with whom [...]
Grand-prix Final. Costumes review: ladies free program

All the girls in Grand-prix Final look fabulous and were very well dressed! So, it was really difficult to choose who [...]
Grand-prix Final. Costumes review: short dance

In ice dance we usually can see the most interesting, fabulous and gorgeous costumes. In terms of costumes and style [...]