US Nationals 2017 fashion review: pairs short program

Yesterday's night I spent watching US Nationals and some practices from Canadian Nationals, so now I'm a mess, I want a [...]
Sasha Cohen: Wedding Album [photos]

In the run-up to US Nationals I'd like to remind of great athlete, amazing performer and just a beautiful girl Sasha [...]
Trend of the 2016-2017 season: Ash-rose dress

While we have a minute of rest before big events like US, Canadian Nationals and European Championships, I'd like to [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: pairs free program fashion review

I continue discussing figure skating fashion and today it's pairs turn. I've already discussed costumes from the [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: men’s free program fashion review

Now figure skating world is in a calm before the storm - Russian and Japanese Nationals A perfect time to discuss some [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: ladies free program fashion review

Fashion minute) I continue to discuss costumes from Grand-prix Final, ladies' free program is next. Fashion results [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: short dance fashion review

Ice dance as always for the dessert) So, who was the most stylish and fashionable in the short dance? Oh somehow [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: pairs short program fashion review

Let's continue to discuss figure skating costumes. Today I'm going to take a closer look at pairs' [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: men’s short program fashion review

I continue my fashion review of Grand-prix Final 2016 and today is men's turn to be discussed. I afraid one day [...]
Grand-Prix Final 2016: ladies short program fashion review
It's been a while since I've discussed costumes last time. A pause in competitions is a perfect time to correct this [...]
Russian Olympians Ball 2016 [photos]

Evening gowns and elegant tuxedos instead of sporting equipment, banquet and dances instead of gym. December 8 in [...]
Adelina Sotnikova: winter photoshoot

Still no serious news or info, so why not to post some photos) Adelina Sotnikova and winter holidays [...]
Winter has come: Russian furs

Winter has come my friends. It's time to put on some warmer clothes. Talking about warmer clothes in figure skating, [...]
Future parents Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov [photos]

It's Friday, it's a week-break before Grand-prix Final, so I'm completely not in a mood for something serious) That's [...]
Adelina Sotnikova: photoshoot

Oh, I'm a bit tired of interview and reviews, so just for fun here's a new photoshoot with Adelina [...]
Skate Canada 2016: Party in White

White color was extremely popular at Skate Canada 2016. It for sure can be called the color of the event. Especially [...]
Skate Canada 2016: ladies short program fashion review

Time to discuss figure skating fashion. Need to say, I'm surprised, second GP in a row all ladies are dress pretty [...]
Skate America 2016: ladies free program fashion review

Need to say that all girls looked fabulous! But let's discuss dress from ladies' free program at GP Skate America 2016. [...]
Skate America 2016: ladies short program fashion review

Grand-prix has started and I'm super excited to discuss costumes. Today I'm sharing my opinion about ladies' dresses [...]
Tatiana Volosozhar: Pregnancy beautifies us

Recently Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov shared a great news that they're waiting for a baby. We're extremely [...]
Vasilisa Davankova and Nikolai Morozov: wedding [photos]

Recently in Instagram appeared photos from the wedding of Vasilisa Davankova and Nikolai Morozov. Now we can [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP Czech Skate | ladies short program

I continue to analyze costumes at junior grand prix. This week we have JGP in Ostrava, so here's my list of best [...]
Best costumes from ISU JGP St. Gervais | free dance

Here's my list of best costumes from the free dance at JGP in St.Gervais. Eliana GROPMAN / Ian SOMERVILLE [...]
Best dresses from ISU JGP St. Gervais | ladies free program

Here's my fashion results of the ladies free program at JGP in St.Gervais. Alina ZAGITOVA (Russia) Nice [...]