Alexei Mishin: “Every coach is an individual, and every skater is an individual. When two individuals are very similar, it promises us a long life in figure skating.”

Posted on 2023-06-13 • No comments yet


Alexei Mishin answered questions from the Mexican YouTube channel Cafecito con Masha. Mishin had several masterclasses in Mexico.

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source: YouTube channel Cafecito con Masha.

Usually, you prefer to work with male figure skaters rather than females. Why is that?

Alexei Mishin: Many years ago, I said, “It is better to have one boy with average talent than two very, very talented girls.” That’s life. Your body is designed in a certain way.

I like this image, but for multi rotational jumps… The situation is as follows: a basketball player should be tall, a weightlifter should be short and strong, and a figure skater should be slim and young. That’s how figure skating develops.

Many skaters from around the world have come to you to improve their jumps. With whom did you enjoy working the most?

Alexei Mishin: One of the skaters who attended my seminars was Stephane Lambiel. An extraordinary skater. A brilliant mind, impeccable hearing. And a unique personality.

How do you ensure that your students, like Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, have a long career? How do you help them build a long-lasting career?

Alexei Mishin: Every coach is an individual, and every skater is an individual. When two individuals are very similar, it promises us a long life in figure skating.

What is the secret to your coaching longevity?

Alexei Mishin: I will answer this question during my next visit to Mexico.


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