Maxim Trankov: “Half of the team who are listed for Skate America do not have visa to the United States”

Posted on 2021-08-17 • 3 comments


Maxim Trankov about first competition of the season for Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov and problems with visas for Russian athletes.

source: dd. 16th August by Vladislav Zhukov

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Maxim, what do you think of Evgenia and Vladimir’s debut this season? Of course, there was a fall on the side by side jump in the short program, but it seems that the guys have fantastic shape as for August.

Maxim Trankov: You said it right – there were mistakes. There is work to do. But really, the guys are in good shape for August, they were preparing for this competitions. I can say that this was a successful performance.

If we look at the short and free programs, they are a bit similar in style …

Maxim Trankov: Well, I wouldn’t say that. Absolutely chamber, classic short program. Free program – modern music with lyrics. Personally, I don’t see anything in common here. I do not agree that they are similar. For me, they are completely different.

There was information that short program was choreographed by Alexander Zhulin and there was no certainty about the free. So who did it in the end?

Maxim Trankov: A difficult question for me, because both the short and the free were such a collective work. Daniil Gleikhengauz came up with the idea and embodied it. He proposed music and an idea, and then we worked on it together. There was a similar case with the short one.

Who is “everyone”?

Maxim Trankov: Danya laid the foundation, Eteri Georgievna did a lot, Alexei Tikhonov, me. And the short program – Alexander Zhulin.

Turns out Tikhonov also participated in the work on the free program?

Maxim Trankov: Yes, he also works with the guys. While we are in Moscow, we work with Alexei together.

So, you are working with a pair, the team of Eteri Georgievna …

Maxim Trankov: Six people, yes (laughs).

Too many.

Maxim Trankov: Well, this is a very important season for the guys. Here, as they say, we do not save on anything. One head is good, two is even better. Well, six is absolutely wonderful (laughs). The main thing is that no one interfere with anyone. Pasha Slyusarenko is mostly in Perm, he trains remotely. I send him all the run-through – this is how he asess them.

Plus we meet in Novogorsk at the training camp. Well, or the guys and I fly to Perm to Pasha. I help him with the juniors, while he works with Vova with Zhenya. In Moscow, we work with Alexei Tikhonov. And, of course, Eteri Georgievna, Sergei Dudakov and Danya – they all work together.

You said about “not interfering with each other.” In this case, how the roles are distributed in the team?

Maxim Trankov: We have very similar views with Pavel. We both went through the Perm school, we see the elements in about the same way. I think we complement each other well in this regard, we do not have disputes on any technical issues. If I don’t know some things, I immediately say so – Pasha goes and does them. This is an absolutely normal tandem.

Alexei Tikhonov suggests a lot. He has not had anything to do with sports skating for a long time, since 2006 – during this time the rules have changed a lot. After that, he did not skate or train, so he still needs time to learn the details, these levels of complexity and so on. But he has an excellent vision of skating in parallel, quality, transitions. Well, and elements, of course, what looks better. Alexei makes a very big contribution both in terms of choreography and other necessary details to make the pair look advantageous on the ice.

Well, the Tutberidze’s coaching staff is the head that develops the training plan and everything else. Sergei Dudakov works on the jumps, we have allocated time when he works with the guys. Danya Gleikhengauz is in charge of choreography and monitors the jumping section. Eteri Georgievna monitors all of us, motivates and organizes all this.

From the outside it seems that now you are building the same model as Marina Zueva had with the guys. When many specialists of different profiles work with a pair, and each is doing one thing.

Maxim Trankov: In fact, it started a long time ago. For example Tanya and I also had a huge team. Six people also went to the competitions with us. I think this is already such a trend of the time, because figure skating is changing too quickly, and it becomes difficult for one person to keep up with it and control the whole process.

Anyway we need assistants, single-subject specialists in each component. I think this is very correct and should bring results.

Well, I would also like to clarify about the ice for Tarasova and Morozov. Did you manage to resolve this issue?

Maxim Trankov: We train in Sambo-70, in Khrustalny. As long as we have ice, we work there. When the need arises, we move to Novogorsk, but so far this happened only once. There was a summer training camp, and now we trained together with the junior team, because Pasha came there with his guys. We joined their group to prepare for the competition in Boston.

What about your US visa? Is everything ok, is there any progress?

Maxim Trankov: Of course it’s not ok (laughs). I don’t have a visa, I can’t get it. The federation will try to make them for those traveling to Skate America. Because half of those who go there do not have visas, including the athletes. They will send a request to the State Department, trying to solve this issue. But I will repeat myself – now half of the national team who are listed for Skate America do not have a visa to the United States. Both coaches and athletes.

It’s unpleasant. And it is completely unclear what to do with this.

Maxim Trankov: Well, as practice has shown, it’s okay. Guys can go and win the competition without me (laughs).


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3 Responses to “Maxim Trankov: “Half of the team who are listed for Skate America do not have visa to the United States””

  1. Václav Sedláček says:

    I think you should have your own ideas and should not midlessly repeat this BS like a delusional hater. That someone uses the music (which naturally happens all the time in FS) does not make the same program of it.

  2. carolina says:

    Does this man not have own ideas? It is unbelievable. He is like a Raven….

  3. Carolina says:

    I can’t beleave it! Gleichengaus! I knew it! Alina with the plagiarism (Gleichengaus) with “bad guy”- it was said- and now Trassowa/Morossow with the (worse) plagiarism of the Lighthouse programm of Sawchenkow/Massow 2017 with the choreography by the English ice dancer John Kerr.
    How embarrassing it is.
    Personally I wish this couple the best- but Gleichgengaus – Does this man no own ideas??

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