‘It seems to me that she is psychologically a little broken now, so I want to help her’ Eteri Tutberidze about Medvedeva’s return

Posted on 2020-09-16 • 2 comments


Eteri Tutberidze commented on Evgenia Medvedeva’s return to her group in the interview to Russian First Channel.


Eteri Tutberidze: At the test skates, I applauded her, because the girl, realizing that she was not ready to skate cleanly, that she was not 100% ready, did not withdraw like many others did, she was not scared. And she went there and showed what she could do at the moment. This is respect to both the fans and the Figure Skating Federation (FFKR). In general, it is worthy of respect. Honestly.

Who can help? If we can help, of course, we will try our best. Who if not us? Still, the 11.5 years that she skated with us did not pass unnoticed.

For some reason, it seems to me that she is psychologically a little broken now, so, frankly, I want to help her get fit on the ice so that she can show her skating and so that she feels more comfortable.

text version sports.ru


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2 Responses to “‘It seems to me that she is psychologically a little broken now, so I want to help her’ Eteri Tutberidze about Medvedeva’s return”

  1. maca says:

    did not withdraw like many others did” boom shade to alina from eteri xd

  2. Carolina says:

    This is a fine comment of Eteri. I thaught at the first moment I realised and saw this, that she could have other reasons.
    In the figure scating we see these days a lot of surprising strategical and tactical decision. But, if each site is a winner with this, then it is ok…..Mentally broken was Jewgenia for a long time- but she had great support by Brian and Tracy- equally great coaches and warm hearted person

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