Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: Let the world watch the battle of Medvedeva and Zagitova, and I’ll skate a little bit

Posted on 2018-10-30 • No comments yet


Short interview with Elizaveta Tuktamysheva.

About Andrei Lazukin

Training together helps. The woman is a very unstable animal, Andrei and I stabilize each other emotionally. When there are bad practices, the partner can always encourage. It’s nice when a close person skates near.

About work with Mishin

I’m grateful to the fate that life has turned out this way and I met him, because he is a great man. I look at him and understand what I can learn from him. Probably, patience. Because I’m very impatient person, I react quickly to things that haven’t been fully disclosed yet, and then turn out to be a fool.

About goals for the season

There is a goal now to have such a mindset so I could compete at more serious competitions, so I try to keep myself in the most stable psychological state before the competitions.

Let the world watch the battle of Zhenya Medvedeva and Alina Zagitova, and I’ll skate a little bit. When you go on the ice, you think only about yourself, not about who skated and how.

My mission is to give people hope that there is always a chance to overcome everything.

Many people ask me whether I’m sad that I didn’t get to the Olympics. I think it isn’t everything. You can win and be a great athlete, not being an Olympic champion.

So, at this stage I have a goal to perform well in the Russian Nationals and at the World and European Championships, if I get there.

I don’t have a goal that I definitely want to go to the next Olympics. The goal is to skate cool and clean, and then start a family and continue to skate.

by vremya.sutok


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