Igor Shpilband about his work with Ilinykh / Zhiganshin

Posted on 2016-06-30 • 1 comment


Igor Shpilband about his work with Elena Ilinykh and Ruslan Zhiganshin, preparation for the season and new programs.

We prepare new lifts, moves, elements. The rules have undergone many changes and become more complex, guys are adapting to them. But these changes should only improve the artistic component, in particular it concerns Elena and Ruslan’s programs. – Shpilband said. 

Both programs are ready. Many people were involved into this work. Fabian Bourzat, Antonio Najarro and me. One team did the short and the free dance. Now we’re polishing them.

There’s a photo in Elena’s twitter signed “Bonnie and Clyde in Novi”, Igor commented on whether it can be a hint to the new music.

I don’t think it’s an allusion to the characters of the program. No there is no connection. – Shpilband remarked with a smile.

the source: rsport.ru

Read also an interview with Elena where she tells about work with Shpilband and future programs.


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One response to “Igor Shpilband about his work with Ilinykh / Zhiganshin”

  1. Olga says:

    Not a bad idea for future- Bonnie and Clyde will suit them a lot:)

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