Alexei Urmanov about Lipnitskaya’s new programs

Posted on 2016-06-28 • 5 comments


Alexei Urmanov reveals a bit a secret about Julia Lipnitskaya’s new programs. In the upcoming season Julia will show a lyrical short program and free program will be to a very recognizable music.

The short program was done by Stephane Lambiel, free program by Urmanov himself. Now Julia has the second preseason training camp in Sochi.

We have a very lyrical short program and free program is very recognizable by the character and music. When we go out on the ice everyone will understand at once what it’s about. – Urmanov said.

He also said that after a three weeks break between training camps Lipnitskaya continues to “get used to the process”.

We broke in new skates, we didn’t force this process because I know for myself how possible it is to rub an ankle to blood and to spend another week treating. We coped with this task, last week Julia was feeling pain in her feet but now everything is ok. We have already restored all the basic elements and now will complicate them.

the source:

Any predictions what this recognizable music for the free program can be?


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5 Responses to “Alexei Urmanov about Lipnitskaya’s new programs”

  1. Stolbova Obsessed says:

    Julia already did Carmen when she was little but she didn’t do too well bc she was only 12.
    Swan Lake is kind of Adelina’s thing if you ask me. But I loved I/K’s FD too!
    Call me crazy but I would love to see her do Les Mis. She has good luck with tragedy programs – think Schindler List.

  2. Olga says:

    I would prefer Swan Lake for her.Still can’t forget the dance of Ilinykh/Katsalapov,it was absolutely brilliant!

  3. Olga says:

    Maybe it will be Carmen?

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