Volosozhar and Trankov: at competitions we live in different rooms

Posted on 2016-03-23 • No comments yet


New interview with Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov. It’s the translation of the interview for teleprogramma.pro. It’s not the sporting media so Tatiana and Maxim were asked not only about sport, but about some mode of life, married life, honeymoon etc. The original interview also contains some nice photos.

The year started awful – several doping scandals in a row….Have you started to be more serious about medicines?

Tatiana: We have always consulted with doctors, what can be taken and what is not. Though now, of course, become even more careful. We had an open jar of vitamins in our house, we threw it away. Last week have opened a new one and carry everywhere with ourselves. Don’t leave it unattended.

Maxim: We don’t consider it possible to comment on issues of other athletes.  I will say one thing: there are many affordable ways to control the use of medicines. There are personal doctors, with whom it’s always possible to consult, and even special applications for iPhones, which can determine by title the drug is banned or not. So, Tatiana and I don’t have such problems. 

This season, you are performing the triple twist for the first time since the Olympic Games in Sochi. So, you’re fully recovered from injury? Maxim, how is your shoulder?

Maxim: Tanya and I are in good shape. The shoulder works, doesn’t hurt, there are no restrictions. We have a training plan. I think, we are going in the right direction.

You decided to go to America for two weeks before the Championships. Is it easier to adjust to a time zone?

Maxim: When the competitions are held in North America, we live at the training base in New Jersey. Everything is convenient there: the rink is directly opposite the hotel, no need to spend time on the road and traffic. Acclimatization takes place in great conditions in terms of living. Training time is a little longer than in Moscow – 6 hours a day. We plan to attend regularly the sessions of famous сhiropractor Jorge Fernandez. He lives and works in New York, and during the competition will come to our base. He’s a known osteopath and an interesting man – he’s blind, so Jorge has well developed tactile sensations. He has developed his own method of restoration of musculoskeletal for athletes after injuries.

Volosozhar Trankov

You are now husband and wife, so you can live in one room?

Tatiana: We decided to live in different rooms. It’s easier to set yourself for competition and victory. Since childhood I used to prepare psychologically for competition alone. On this day, I concentrate on myself: I try not to talk with anyone, if someone asks me  then I try to give short answers. I need a lot more time for setting up than Maxim. So, I don’t want to bother him once again.

Maxim: I have my habits, for example, I never turn on the TV in the hotel room. Mostly I read. The last book I’ve read – George Orwell’s “1984”. Several friends recommended me to read it. But to be honest, read to the end with difficulty – not interesting. Evenings we usually spend with our friendly team. We gathered in one room and watch movie.

volosozhar trankov

Your short program – “Bollywood” to the song Nagada Sang Dhol.  Did you watch Indian cinema to tune in?

Tatiana: For inspiration I looked up, almost all well-known Bollywood movies. “Ram Leela”, for example, a very long movie, not everyone can watch it till the end. But it’s so dancing, with lots of energy, I watched it completely.

For the free program “Dracula” you have a difficult makeup. Do you take a visagist to America?

Tatiana: I prepare for the start myself. I plan for the hair and make-up from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the gap between training and competition. Previously, a stylist worked with me, and I was watching what is she doing and now I know how to do a make up myself.

vt poster

Is it more profitable for skaters to participate in commercial competitions?

Maxim: It depends on what to call a commercial competition. I won’t reveal a special secret by saying that there is a prize money at all international competitions. Now even at the Russian Nationals we have small but still prize payouts. But, apart from the competition, there are shows. Many athletes actually prefer to go and perform in such shows, because there they earn real money no matter which result they show. And to win the championships, not everyone can. Those, who looking for a simple way just take part in the shows.

Tatiana: Maxim and I are very selective in terms of shows. For example, Art on Ice that held in February in Switzerland is a show of very high level – with drama, set design, special effects. Besides skaters very well-known musicians are involved.

What progress have the pupils from your figure skating school in Sochi?

Maxim: Of course the crisis has affected the funding of public school. It’s not our business, as many people think, Tanya and I don’t make money on it. School has our names, but in fact, and according to the documents it’s the center of the figure skating of Krasnodar. We’re just curators.

Earlier, in Sochi was a small figure skating club, whose pupils hadn’t noticeable achievements. We attracted great coaches to work in our center. For example, Olympic champion Alexei Urmanov moved to Sochi. In our school he is now coaching Julia Lipnitskaya. Our pupils won almost all prize-winning places at local competition, and at the Russian Championships they won the 5th and 7th places. This is certainly not the best results, but a good start. 

In 10 years, do you want to train an Olympic champions?

Maxim: I have a dream – to bring my young pair to the Youth Olympic Games in Lausanne, in 2020. I would like to bring up a decent pair till this time.

Tatiana: This year Maxim and I will start to train children at a school in Sochi. But I don’t dream to become a coach. Perhaps, I can become a manager, an organizer of the events, because I am now studying sports management at MSU (Moscow State University).

Volosozhar Trankov

Six months ago, you got married. When are you planning a honeymoon?

Maxim: We really haven’t honeymoon yet. The day after the wedding, we started preparation for the new season. Only in May after the end of the season will go to the sea. We like to rest where it’s warm, because all year we’re on the ice.

And how do you spend your free time in Moscow?

Maxim: We can work and relax. Go to the restaurants, sometimes with friends, sometimes alone, we like cinema, theater. On the March 8 Tanya and I had a boat trip on the Moscow River.

Tatiana: On the Women’s Day Maxim has prepared a surprise for me – beautiful diamond earrings. Maxim chose himself, and that for me is a doubly nice.

All the household chores on wife?

Tatiana: I take care of the house. My and Maxim’s mothers come to Moscow to help. And if we are in competition, then they take care of the house and our four-legged friends. I love to cook and clean. But if I ask Maxim, for example, to fry the steaks, he will do it with pleasure. I know that Maxim does not like to iron, so I won’t ask him to do it.

Maxim: We recently got a family nest, so now we love to be a homebodies.

Tatiana Volosozhar

There is an omen that a wedding dress should stay in the house, then the marriage will be long and happy. Have you found a place for your dress in the new house?

Tatiana: Yes, Alena Ahmadullina sewed this dress for me, and it is very precious thing to me. This is my first and hopefully last marriage, so I’m cherrish with the dress. Of course, it isn’t on the prominent place, it packed carefully  in the dressing room. I will save it and will show to our children and grandchildren!


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