“My pants ripped at the backside, and I, pardon me, was without underwear. I really needed psychological help after it.” Aleksandra Boikova about official practice at 2020 Europeans

Posted on 2024-06-06 • No comments yet


Aleksandra Boikova about the worst official practice in her career.

original source: MATCH-POINT youtube channel

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Pair skater Aleksandra Boikova in an interview for MATCH-POINT youtube channel talks about told about the worst official practice experience she had and shared an amusing incident where her pants ripped during a training session. Here’s a translation of her comment.

The incident happened during the 2020 European Championships in Graz, where Boikova and her skating partner Dmitri Kozlovski won gold.

“At the European Championships we had a funny training session, I really needed psychological help after it. This was our second European Championships, we had just won the Russian Nationals. We go out for our first training session, where all the judges are watching, and it’s global stage, of course.

At the very first element, I fall. I’m like, alright. We go to the second element – there was a jump combination – and my partner falls. From a double jump! I’m like alright. I’m going thinking: there are two difficult elements ahead, I need to pull myself together.

And then my partner says, “Your pants ripped at the backside.”

And I realize that this is the only time I went out, excuse me, without underwear. And my pants just come apart at the seams. And then it perfectly hit me.

Our music is playing, we should skate at least to the music, then we can leave. Anyway, we go, I fall from the throw, I mess up on the second throw… Thank God, it didn’t come apart that much.

And I had a sweatshirt that I tucked into my pants, and, well… it seemed to be invisible. But I know my pants ripped at the backside! And I’m skating all teary, I approach my coaches, they say “At least correct something.” And I’m like, “I can’t!”

But we went, corrected something, then we went to fix this tragical throw: I fall once, I fall a second time. My partner tells me: let’s finish, you see, she just can’t do it, she can’t focus. And they said “Let’s try a third time, God likes the trinity, maybe it will work out the third time.”

In short, my partner throws me, trips, falls – I fly and fall after him. We’re lying on the ice, and we just want to fall through it right at that moment!

We leave the ice before the training ends. I am all in tears, I’m recording a video for Zhenya Medvedeva, I say, “Zhenya, my pants ripped at the backside!” She starts to hysterically laugh, she’s laughing like crazy. And I’m just in tears!

Then I think: okay, we have a competition the next day, I will pull myself together. We will skate on this arena in the morning, and I will come out calmly to the start in the evening, because I will get used to it. I bought another pair of pants, thankfully had some money.

And in the morning I find out that we have a training on a different rink. I come out, and my eye starts twitching at the start. I have no idea what to expect. Because the morning training also didn’t work out. And my partner is in a somewhat similar state.

But we went out and skated a world record. And we’re like: what?! At that moment I was totally not controlling my thoughts. I just didn’t know what to expect. We were in good shape, but had two terrible training sessions. The ones that nobody could even imagine,” Boikova explained.


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