“I will be competing next year and if my knee blows off into the audience seats, please throw it back and shout ‘Jump!!'” 37-year-old Nobunari Oda on his continuation as an active competitor

Posted on 2024-04-13 • No comments yet


Translation of Nobunari Oda’s comments about his determination to continue his career.

original source: hochi.news 26th March 2024

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Here’s a translation of Nobunari Oda’s comments.

“37-year-old Nobunari Oda, he represented Japane at 2010 Vancouver Olympics, announced his continuation as an active competitor in the next season. He posted on his Instagram:

“I’ve decided to continue competing in the next season! Honestly, I was worried about whether it was okay to be selfish when I have to be the main breadwinner of my family. When I talked with my wife about it, she said, ‘If you can still do it, you should definitely do it.’ The fact that fans told me ‘We want to see you at Nationals’ was very pleasing to me and was a huge factor in my decision.

If there are people who support someone like me, then I should strive my best for them! So, I will be participating in competitions next year as well, but if my knee blows off into the audience seats, please throw it back and shout ‘Jump!!'”

Oda made a comeback to active competition after about nine years in the winter national sports delegation selection meeting in Osaka City in November 22 years ago. At the end of last October, he won the West Japan Championship which was a qualifier for the All Japan Championship. However, he was not allowed to participate because the “Return Notice” necessary for a competitive comeback was not submitted.


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