“He trained himself and already provided additional lessons for children. Some people approach him to improve their technique. I think he will succeed.” Alexei Zheleznyakov on Morisi Kvitelashvili’s retirement and plans to coach

Posted on 2023-06-09 • No comments yet


Choreographer Alexei Zheleznyakov, who works in Eteri Tutberidze’s group about Morisi Kvitelashvili’s decision to retire.

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source: MatchTV / MatchTV

Earlier, the Georgian Figure Skating Federation announced that Kvitelashvili had ended his sports career.

Alexei Zheleznyakov: I am completely calm about Morisi’s decision. I knew that sooner or later, in a year or two, this would happen. He is already an adult. The young ones, as usual, step on your heels, and perhaps it’s time to take action. I think Morisi, like a normal real man, has his own plans. Maybe he wants to start a family, have children with his woman. And for that, a man must bring home the mammoth. To do that, you need to start working, engage in coaching activities, although I know that Morisi has experience – he already trains children. But in the end, there is an understanding that more coaching is needed, as well as work in shows. In other words, doing what he knows and what he likes. This is his life.

So I’m not surprised at all. Morisi simply came to this moment that happens to any athlete. I love and respect him very much. He is one of my first students. We jokingly call him a veteran of figure skating battles. The time has come. I have a very positive attitude towards him, so I wish him only luck, a bright path, and all the best.

Did I understand correctly that he intends to pursue a coaching career in the future?

Alexei Zheleznyakov: He trained himself and, in general, already provided additional lessons for children. I think he will succeed. He is a smart guy. He should be fine.

Will he work directly within Eteri Tutberidze’s group?

Alexei Zheleznyakov: It’s not necessary, but he will also be within Eteri Georgievna’s group. Some people approach him to improve their technique, for example. They engage in additional training. If they see that Morisi has started helping young athletes, they begin to approach him further.

Naturally, he did this without compromising his own training, during his free time. And he gained experience. From what I understand, he has been doing this for several years. And rightly so, he was preparing himself for life outside his career as an athlete, for coaching. Now it will be easier for him. He has matured for an adult and independent life.


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