Tuktamysheva, Kostornaia and Valieva about their short programs at the Finlandia Trophy 2021

Posted on 2021-10-09 • No comments yet


Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, Alena Kostornaia and Kamila Valieva commented on their short programs at the Finlandia Trophy 2021.

Kamila Valieva – 3d after the short program (74.93)

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At the morning practice the axel was so good, what happened? Nerves?

Kamila Valieva: I was a little nervous, but I just didn’t go with all my strength into the axel, I tried to do it carefully, but carefully you won’t jump the axel. So, I couldn’t show my maximum. But it is a good experience to be more aggressive at the Canadian Grand Prix, in the next competitions.

This is my first international competitions in senior, but at the same time, the audience welcomes me very warmly, as if I have been skating for so long, and this is very inspiring.

Tell us about the dress, both length and color whose idea was it?

Kamila Valieva: I wanted a longer skirt, but I am not allowed to make such a long one. I like how a long dress looks on the ice, and, in principle, it does not bother me much on jumps. I can jump with a skirt of this length, but so far they don’t allow me to do so. Not that they thought it would interfere with my jumps, they just don’t really want to see a very long skirt right now.

The color was chosen by Eteri Georgievna and Olga Ryabenko (designer), I was also asked sometimes.

In terms of music this short program is a bit like last year’s “Storm”. How are these programs different for you?

Kamila Valieva: I try to skate this short program more consciously than last season, every year I try to show more emotions and the artistic image itself.

Did you have any thoughts to keep the “Storm”?

Kamila Valieva: The first couple of weeks I skated “Storm” as my short program for this season, but then they changed it for me. But in general, I trust the coaches, so if they decide that way, then so be it.

source: sports.ru

Alena Kostornaia – 2d after the short program (78.61)

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Alena Kostornaia: I’m happy with everything, enjoyed it, skated an easier content, but so far we decided so. When? Before the morning training session, Daniil Gleikhengauz told me that he and Eteri Georgievna had decided so. And I decided that I would not argue anymore and would just do as I was told.

Two years ago it was in Finland when you showed triple axel for the first time. Did you go here with a desire to repeat it?

Alena Kostornaia: In principle, now I am going to this competition with great desire – to repeat my success and that year, because I would like to experience all this again.

That was a memorable competition, right?

Alena Kostornaia: Of course it did! I was standing on the pedestal.

You have a hip in tapes.

Alena Kostornaia: No, no, this is a special silicone. I put it so that I don’t get hurt when I fall. These are not some kind of injuries, I just specially buy such a square of silicone, it is not very voluminous, but at the same time if I fall on the knuckles of the thighs, then I will not damage myself, because it protects very well …They usually put it in boots, but I thought of using it like this.

In training, all strengths are put on the triple axel or are you also trying quads?

Alena Kostornaia: No, now I will not train quads, I want to concentrate all my efforts on polishing the programs and elements that are in my programs.

source: sports.ru

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva – 1st after the short program (81.53)

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At the morning practice you looked very confident, how did you approach the performance?

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: When I have a good practice it somehow even alarms me, so in competitions I already use all the concentration that I have, because I want to perform as well as in training.

Therefore, I was a bit nervous today, but the work that was done, these trainings, they made themselves felt. That I can skate well, even if I’m a bit nervous.

This is the beginning of the season, there is still no such confidence as it was at the World Championships. This confidence still needs to be developed. But I’m happy.

When I did the flip, I tried to put all of myself, all of my soul, everything that we trained – both steps and spins. I am very pleased with today’s spins, I did them pretty well. And I just enjoyed skating, I was so pleased that I overcame myself, it was insanely cool to skate.

The audience is wonderful, there are so many people, I really missed these feelings. It’s so nice, at the end there was a storm of emotions.

There was an impression that before the season started there was a little leapfrog with dresses. Why did you change them?

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: No, there was no such thing. The photo of that dress from closed skates in St. Petersburg was not supposed to go out to the public, because it was a trial version, I was not going to wear it, we just experimented and decided that we could try how it would look. But I didn’t tell about this later, so there was a fuss about the dresses, and I already knew at the test skates I would have another dress for the free program. Hopefully the situation clears up now.

And what about this dress for the short program? Will you keep it for the season?

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: I don’t know for sure, maybe I’ll be in a mood of getting new one. The season is long, and any girl sometimes wants to change her outfit and try something different. If it doesn’t work out, then you can always go back to the good option.

Are there any rituals on the day of performance which help to go on the ice in a good condition?

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: There is a system I work by, I have almost 15 years of competing experience, so it was impossible not to develop such a system, we train, warm up, everything is according to plan, everything is as usual. Everything will depend on my condition, we’ll see. This is already an experience.

source: sports.ru


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