“There was no one better than Zagitova. There’s no better now.” Tatiana Tarasova on the rivalry between Medvedeva and Zagitova

Posted on 2024-04-23 • No comments yet


Tatiana Tarasova commented on the rivalry between Medvedeva and Zagitova.

original source: Nadezhda Strelets youtube channel

photo AFP

In a long interview with Nadezhda Strelets, Tatiana Tarasova also touched a topic of Medvedea vs Zagitova confrontation. Here’s a translation of her comment.

Q: In the confrontation between Medvedeva and Zagitova, you seem to have sided with Zhenya.

Tatiana Tarasova: Well, maybe it’s some habit that Zhenya is the first. For the path that she took up to this point. She could have won. It wasn’t crucial for Zagitova. But Zagitova won – she’s wonderful. Wonderful.

Q: Zagitova turned out to be the most consistent among Eteri’s girls. She took it all back then.

Tatiana Tarasova: There was no one better than her. There’s no better now.

Q: There have never been any running from coach to coach. She is one of those who is grateful to Eteri.

Tatiana Tarasova: She behaves very well. Her parents are very knowledgeable.

Q: Does she have a chance to return to professional sports?

Tatiana Tarasova: I don’t think any of them will be returning.”


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