Tatiana Tarasova: “We can’t do without state support. How are we going to pay for the ice? All together, or something?”

Posted on 2022-11-03 • 2 comments


Tatiana Tarasova believes that figure skating in Russia will not be able to develop without state support.

photo by ren.tv

source: RT

Tatiana Tarasova: We can’t do without state support. In other countries, there is no state support, he [the athlete] pays for the ice, for the music, for the choreographer, for the coach – for everything.

Maybe the federation will help someone, but it’s not like we have. We cannot do without it. And management understands that we can’t.

How are we going to pay for the ice? All together, or something? All the same, 90% of people will not skate. Because wealthy, rich people don’t really take their children to figure skating. Still, the sport is difficult, you can kill yourself.

No, we can’t do without support.


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2 Responses to “Tatiana Tarasova: “We can’t do without state support. How are we going to pay for the ice? All together, or something?””

  1. a says:

    now tat think about ukranians.

  2. No war says:

    Problem with the current state support is that state wants the return in form of medals and political support. It’s not about kid’s health.

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