Kamila Valieva: “I believe that, like every person on earth, I deserve to be successful and happy. Remember the words of the fairy from “Cinderella”? “It’s terribly harmful not to go to balls when you deserve it!” – I adhere to this position.”

Posted on 2022-12-27 • 2 comments


Kamila Valieva for PeopleTalk magazine. About difficult year in her life and career, criticism and dealing with hate.

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source: peopletalk.ru

After the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, the name of Kamila Valieva thundered throughout the world. Pressure, provocations, unceasing disputes in social networks and on the front pages of the media, multi-ton responsibility on the fragile shoulders of a 15-year-old figure skater—it seems that the outgoing year will definitely become a turning point for her. A few months ago, despite her young age and all the “buts,” she forever entered her name in the history of big sports, and now she is ready to take on new heights, no matter what awaits her ahead.

Kamila Valieva: I am still in the process of transformation. It is impossible to just close my eyes to everything that was in my life and start a new one. Any event that hooked emotionally leaves its mark. Painful reactions to traumatic events need to be worked through. Of course, everything that happened will not disappear but will become a distant memory; then it will be possible to talk about transformation. I can say for sure that I have matured; there is more meaningfulness, interest in my work. I also realized how much I love figure skating. And I learned that I have so many good people around me who support me.

I believe that, like every person on earth, I deserve to be successful and happy. Remember the words of the fairy in the movie “Cinderella”? “It’s terribly harmful not to go to balls when you deserve it!” – I adhere to this position and try not to doubt it. There are moments in life when it seems that the world has turned its back on you, one trouble is followed by another, and a desire is brewing to give up everything, go away, and never come back. Then the main thing is not to stop fighting, not to give up, and to believe in yourself and in justice.

This year, as in all other years, my main motivator and inspiration is my mother. She does so much for me that I want to please her all the time.

Humor helped me the most this year. It often serves as the best psychological protection, and it becomes easier to survive difficult life moments.

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There will always be people who hate you. Do not pay attention to them or take their words to heart. Let skeptics doubt and envious people envy, but you need to continue to believe in yourself. You should never devalue yourself or your work, and no one will convince me otherwise.

Even after the victories, not everyone loves you. I think trying to please everyone is the key to failure. It is impossible to be perfect in everything, and those around you will point out any of your flaws, mistakes, or shortcomings. But no one knows me better than myself. So I do not worry about the subjective assessments of others. I listen to the opinions and comments of close people – those who really care about me.

How do I deal with negativity? I immediately remember the words of the American actress Mae West, “When I’m good, I’m very, very good, but when I’m bad, I’m even better,” and it immediately makes me feel better.


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2 Responses to “Kamila Valieva: “I believe that, like every person on earth, I deserve to be successful and happy. Remember the words of the fairy from “Cinderella”? “It’s terribly harmful not to go to balls when you deserve it!” – I adhere to this position.””

  1. Simone says:

    Still living in her own bubble of Russian reality, unaware that her case is at CAS…

  2. Chris says:

    Kamila Valieva and Ekaterina Gordeeva are the best things that ever happened in the history of figure skating !

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