“It was a song that I wouldn’t choose for myself, but the challenging nature of it made the choreography fresh and enjoyable.” Sota Yamamoto about new programs

Posted on 2023-07-02 • No comments yet


Sota Yamamoto about new programs and off-season trainings.

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source: news.ntv.co.jp

Top skaters gather at Dream on Ice 2023. Japanese TV had an exclusive interview with Sota Yamamoto, who is preparing for the new season.

The short program, titled ‘Chameleon,’ is choreographed by David Wilson.

“I usually listen to a lot of music and choose the songs myself for my programs, but I entrusted everything to David because I believed he would create something amazing. When I received the music, I thought it was a song that I wouldn’t choose for myself, something that didn’t feel like ‘me,’ but the challenging nature of it made the choreography fresh and enjoyable. I want to show the ‘New Sota’,” he said.

For the free skate, he will perform to Kenji Miyamoto’s choreography of ‘Exogenesis Symphony No. 3.’ “Choosing the program for this season was difficult, but I finally found this piece and felt like I wanted to go with it. I think I can express my own exogenesis through this program,” he explained.

Regarding his off-season training, he mentioned, “I have been practicing the quadruple flip and quadruple lutz. This off-season, I succeeded in landing the quadruple lutz for the first time, and I still feel my growth. If I were to include a new jump in my program, it would be the flip. I want to aim for stable performances with salchow and loop. I also practice flip, lutz, and loop in between, hoping to eventually include them into the programs,” expressing his enthusiasm.

The addition of new jumps naturally puts strain on the body, and when it comes to training, Yamamoto said, “I do off-ice training, but I have changed the training by increasing the load. Building a body that avoids injuries is important because simply increasing training volume can lead to injuries that won’t benefit performance. It’s crucial to assess and find the right balance,” he explained.

In terms of nutrition, Yamamoto mentioned that he pays attention to his diet and eating timing due to past experiences with injuries. When asked about his “lucky meal,” he replied, “Bananas are easy to eat without guilt, readily available, so I eat them before and after practice, even on competition days.”

Finally, when asked about his goals for the new season, he said, “I want to give my all in every competition and ice show. Last season, my goal was to reach the podium in the Grand Prix Series, and I achieved it twice. This season, I want to aim for similar achievements and even higher goals. I want to seek revenge at the first World Championships, where I had a bitter experience.”


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