Instagram review: best photos of the week [25.04-02.05.2019]

Posted on 2019-05-03 • 2 comments


Part 1 “On the ice”

Mirai Nagasu

Kaitlyn Weaver

Nam Nguyen

Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue

Part 2 “Incredibly beautiful and irresistible hot”

Alina Zagitova

Romain Ponsart

Kaitlin Hawayek

Morgan Cipres

Meryl Davis

Maia Shibutani

Ashley Wagner

Adelina Sotnikova

Part 3 “Beautiful couples and families”

Alex Shibutani and his girlfriend

Kevin Reynolds and Alaine Chartrand

Alexei Bychenko and his future wife)

See you next week!

Best photos of previous week[18.04-25.04.2019]


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2 Responses to “Instagram review: best photos of the week [25.04-02.05.2019]”

  1. jimmbboe says:

    Can’t wait to see Nam and Kaitlyn in Stars On Ice! Beautiful photo of Alaine and Kevin

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