Evgenia Medvedeva: “I always liked Kaori Sakamoto in skating. She has always been so bright and powerful. I’m glad for her victory, she deserves it, she’s very cool.”

Posted on 2023-03-29 • No comments yet


Evgenia Medvedeva said she was happy with the victory of Japanese Kaori Sakamoto at the World Championships.

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source: sports.ru

Evgenia Medvedeva: Now I don’t watch figure skating as a spectator – I never could and will never can. And I don’t watch it now as an athlete. I look like a commentator.

When there are major competitions, I am either present in the arena and comment on everything that happens on the ice, or I sit in the studio and comment on everything that happens on the ice that is shown on TV. Therefore, such a professional deformation has already happened to me – I watch as a commentator.

Of course, I understand from what edge, whether it’s fully rotated or not, but now I think all the time how would I explain this to the viewer. I’m not just sitting: “Here, she didn’t reach her leg, she’s not underortation, they won’t put anything there.” As the audience on the couch. I will say: “Yeah, she didn’t get to my feet, but let’s see what the judges will give, whether they will be loyal to this athlete.”

Favorites? If you don’t mind, I will rely on the past World Championships. I always liked Kaori Sakamoto in skating. She has always been so bright and powerful.

She is Japanese, but her programs have always been different from Japanese ones which are always gentle, pastel, soft, graceful. And she has her own style, she has a short haircut, she goes to these jumps, holds them with a strong grip. And of course I’m glad for her victory, she deserves it, she’s very cool.


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