Anna Pogorilaya: I wanted to quit figure skating only once

Posted on 2017-03-25 • 1 comment


World Championships is so soon and we haven’t heard anythingfrom Anna Pogorilaya yet who is actually a main contender for a silver medal.

So here’s a small comment from Anna:

I am happy that I was born in Russia, so I have a strong character.

We have such a sport, there is technique and art. And it must be combined. People see us on the ice, how beautiful and easy it’s all, but behind this are years of work, sweat and blood.

I wanted to quit figure skating only once. Because of two injuries. I just had a difficult age then.

Both knees were injured, I got a concussion. We started to think whether it was necessary to continue, maybe it would be better to remain safe and sound, just go to school, study. I recovered, everything passed and I continued to skate.

Sometimes there are moments that it is better to stop and continue after, not killing yourself.

by Maria Selenkova for


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One response to “Anna Pogorilaya: I wanted to quit figure skating only once”

  1. jimmbboe says:

    I’m glad she continued skating. Love her Tango program!

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