“She deserves a monument for her many years of high-achievement sports career.” Coaches and former athletes about Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s decision to take a pause in her career

Posted on 2023-10-18 • No comments yet


Translation of the comments made by Russian coaches, former athletes about the news that Elizaveta Tuktamysheva decided to suspend her career.

original sources: RSport / MatchTV / RSport / RSport / MatchTV / RSport / MatchTV / Legalbet / Championat / Telegram

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Today RSport reported that according to a source familiar with the situation Elizaveta Tuktamysheva decided to take a pause in her sports career. The athlete has decided not to compete in this season’s events and will instead focus on performances in ice shows.

Tuktamysheva, 26 years old, is the 2015 World Champion, a silver medalist at the 2021 World Championships, the 2015 European Champion, a bronze medalist at the 2013 European Championships, the winner of the 2014/15 Grand Prix Final, and a champion and medalist at Russian Nationals.

Here’s also translations of some comments made by Russian coaches, former athletes and journalists regarding this news.

Tatiana Mishina commented to MatchTV on Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s decision to skip the season.

“Is it true that Tuktamysheva will skip the upcoming season?

Tatiana Mishina: I haven’t seen Liza in these days, so it’s hard to say. It’s probably something that Alexei (Mishin) should address.

She has always said that it depends on her motivation and the situation. We always wait for Liza, whatever she does, it means that’s what she decided at the moment,” said Mishina.

Ilia Averbukh believes that Elizaveta Tuktamysheva hasn’t ended her career but has taken a pause.

“Throughout the summer, we were together in Sochi, where she worked in my gala show. We also choreographed a short program for her, which she skated very impressively during the test skates.

At that time, Liza was still contemplating whether to compete this season or not. However, if she and Alexei Nikolaevich (Mishin) made this decision, it should be respected. In any case, we’ll be waiting for Liza’s performances.

Liza definitely has more to offer, and I think this is just a career pause. The season will certainly lose a lot in her absence, as she has a huge army of fans, and I’m also one of the admirers of her talent.

Of course, this decision is sad, but I believe she will actively participate in ice shows. Audiences will get to see her in a slightly different role,” said Averbukh in a conversation with RSport.

Tatiana Tarasova believes that Tuktamysheva’s decision to skip the season is the right one.

“If Liza and Alexei Nikolaevich (Mishin) have decided to sit out the season, then that’s what should be done. Liza is a great athlete who has made a tremendous contribution to our figure skating. I believe she has fully realized herself,” Tarasova said to RSport.

Alexander Zhulin called Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s decision to skip the season unexpected.

“Will this be the end of Liza’s career? It’s hard to say. She will skip the season, she’s not 15.

Of course, this is unexpected news. I think Liza herself knows what to do.

I believe the lack of serious motivation could have influenced her decision,” Zhulin commented to MatchTV.

Natalia Bestemianova commented on Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s decision to skip the season.

“I don’t think we can talk about the end of Liza’s career in this situation. We all saw at the Russian national test skates that she is in great shape. She achieved this form while performing in ice shows in Sochi, so she will continue to be in great condition.

As the situation with competitions develops, Liza will make further decisions. She herself recently mentioned a lack of motivation.

Whether this is related to the absence of international events, it’s hard for me to say. We don’t communicate that closely,” said Bestemianova to RSport.

Alexei Zheleznyakov believes that Tuktamysheva deserves a monument for her long career.

“Competitions will lose some of their luster because Liza is an integral decoration of all tournaments. In women’s singles skating, she is a legendary figure who has lasted the longest, showing good results, and without her competitions will lack some spirit.

It’s a shame that she decided to suspend her performances, but it was expected. Liza deserves a low bow; she could be honored with a monument for her many years of high-achievement sports career.

Figure skating is a sport with a high risk of injury, and not everyone can hold out and compete for so long.

I welcome any decision Liza makes. If she has chosen to focus on show programs, take a break, then her decision should be respected. Perhaps she will return,” said choreographer of Tutberidze’s group to MatchTV

Maria Butyrskaya commented on Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s decision to skip the season.

“For me, Liza is one of the most interesting figure skaters. She has been continuing her career for so long, once again showing her determination, willpower, and hard work. Honestly, I admire Liza. It’s very challenging to stay in such shape in our time.

I understand Liza perfectly: the older you get, the more effort you have to put in to stay in such great shape. Figure skating is still a daily effort, not only on the ice but also in the gym. In addition to that, there’s physical conditioning, choreography, new programs.

Why did Liza decide to pause her career? We’re not that close with Liza. It’s quite hard for me to say why. Perhaps it’s because of the current lack of international tournaments. She is, after all, a world champion.

But I think she will continue to delight the audience by participating in commercial projects,” said Butyrskaya to Legalbet

Elena Radionova commented on Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s decision to skip the season.

“It’s hard to speculate on what could have influenced Elizaveta Tuktamysheva’s decision to skip the season. But even at the beginning of the season, her programs had a sense of sadness.

It’s a pity that Elizaveta is pausing her performances. I hope she will find the strength in herself in the next season. Maybe she’ll miss her beloved craft.

It’s sad when such figure skaters pause their careers because we have become so accustomed to her. The audience will miss Elizaveta.

But there are cases when skaters do come back. It will all depend on her,” said Radionova to Championat.

Sports journalist Elena Vaitsekhovskaya shared her thoughts on Elizabeth Tuktamysheva’s decision to skip the season.

“I think I’m not the only one right now wondering why the seemingly predictable decision by Liza Tuktamysheva to suspend (read – end) her career is causing such bitterness. And it seems I’ve found the answer.

In the lineup of surrogate tournaments with a claim to full value, the focus is not on the results, but on the personal stories of the figure skaters. Especially now, when the competitions are just beginning.

Liza Tuktamysheva, despite her incredibly long career under the guidance of the same coach, is an absolute champion in terms of both stories and unpredictability. This is what makes her interesting, always. Whether she wins or loses, it doesn’t matter.

There is no other single skater today even close to her. And it has become painfully obvious now that the cornerstone is being taken out of the sparkling pyramid of women’s skating. There is absolutely no way to compensate for this loss,” the journalist wrote on her Telegram account.


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