Yana Rudkovskaya: “Canadian Emmanuel Sandhu flew to Belarus to meet us. He came to participate in our shows and I’m very happy that Javier Fernandez also skated in Plushenko’s show”

Yana Rudkovskaya about foreign skaters in Plushenko's shows. original source: Sport24 View this post on [...]
“One of my favorite programs in men’s skating is Javier Fernandez’s short “Malagueña”. The way he skates, you can’t learn it, you need to be born with such a talent.” Tuktamysheva about her favorite skaters and programs

Translation of Elizaveta Tuktamysheva's comments about her favorite skaters and programs. original source: [...]
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva: “During a show in Japan, a strap on my costume came loose – Javier Fernandez kindly held it during the bow.”

Translation of Elizaveta Tuktamysheva's comment about costuming incident from her touring experience. original [...]
Brian Orser: “Every year, new champions are born, but they can never become someone like Yuzuru. Being his coach is my greatest pride.”

Translation of an article about Yuzuru Hanyu visiting Cricket Club and interview with Brian Orser. View [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [24.09-1.10.2021]

“On the Ice” Kamila Valieva View this post on Instagram A post shared by Михаил [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [17.09-24.09.2021]

“On the Ice” Javier Fernandez View this post on Instagram A post shared by Javier [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [03.09-17.09.2021]

“On the Ice” Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier View this post on Instagram A post shared by [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [09.07-16.07.2021]

“On the Ice” Kaitlyn Weaver View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kaitlyn Weaver [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [18.06-25.06.2021]

“On the Ice” Alexei Mishin and Elizaveta Tuktamysheva View this post on Instagram A post [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [28.05-04.06.2021]

“On the Ice” Kirsten Moor-Towers, Michael Marinaro, Mark Pillay and Alison Purkiss View this post [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [14.05-21.05.2021]

“On the Ice” Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje View this post on Instagram A post shared by [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [19.03-26.03.2021]

“On the Ice” Bradie Tennell Karen Chen Elizaveta Tuktamysheva Ashley Cain-Gribble and [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [19.02-26.02.2021]

“On the Ice” Alexa Scimeca Knierim Javier Fernandez Polina Edmunds Alexei Mishin and [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [25.12-01.12.2020]

“On the Ice” Javier Fernandez Tessa Virtue Ashley Cain-Gribble Elizaveta [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [27.11-04.12.2020]

“On the Ice” Alena Kostornaia Alexandra Trusova Kamila Valieva Eva-Lotta [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [06.11-13.11.2020]

“On the Ice” Ashley Wagner Daniil Gleikhengauz and Alina Zagitova Sergei Rozanov, Alena [...]
Javier Fernandez: “Figure skating, in my opinion, is a story about mature skating. Our sport lacks this now”

Interview with Javier Fernandez for Russian media. In the interview Javier spoke about plans for the future, problems [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [30.10-06.11.2020]

“On the Ice” Daniil Gleikhengauz, Alina Zagitova, Eteri Tutberidze and Sergei Dudakov Evgeni and [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [23.10-30.10.2020]

“On the Ice” Kaitlin Hawayek and Jean Luc Baker Ashley Cain-Gribble and Timothy LeDuc Madison [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [18.09-25.09.2020]

“On the Ice” Annabel Morozov and Andrei Bagin Tiffany Zagorski and Jonathan Guerreiro Evelyn [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [28.08-04.08.2020]

“On the Ice” Nam Nguyen Shoma Uno and Stephane Lambiel “Incredibly beautiful and irresistible [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [14.08-21.08.2020]

“On the Ice” Tatiana Volosozhar, Maxim Trankov and Angelica Valentina Marchei “Incredibly [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [31.07-07.08.2020]

“On the Ice” Javier Fernandez Aliona Kostornaia and Sasha Plushenko Carolina [...]
Instagram review: best photos of the week [24.07-31.07.2020]

“On the Ice” Ashley Cain and Timothy LeDuc Alexandra Trusova Javier [...]