“It’s going to end up being my signature. I don’t really want it… But it’s still nice.” Adam Siao Him Fa about winning Grand Prix de France coming back from the 8th place in the short program

Adam Siao Him Fa about winning Grand Prix de France 2024. original source: lequipe.fr dd. 2d November 2024 by [...]
Mai Mihara: “There are still many details that need refining, but I think it was good that I could make eye contact with many people in the audience during the four minutes of my program.”

Mai Mihara on her performance at Grand Prix de France 2024. original source: Nikkansports / Nikkansports / [...]
Kazuki Tomono: “Well… even though I was injured, it feels frustrating. I had set high expectations for myself. I still haven’t made it to the Finals, and I feel like I’m falling behind my peers, and this year was really meant to be competitive.”

Kazuki Tomono on his performance at Grand Prix de France 2024. original source: Nikkansports / Nikkansports / [...]
Rion Sumiyoshi: “I’ve climbed up a step. I’m truly happy that I was able to surpass the 200 points I was aiming for and to share the podium with Wakaba amidst such fierce competition.”

Rion Sumiyoshi on winning bronze at Grand Prix de France 2024. original source: Nikkansports / Nikkansports dd. 3d [...]
Koshiro Shimada: “I was so calm that sometimes I worried if my excitement was enough. But this time, I was able to trust in my current mode and approach the competition with belief.”

Koshiro Shimada on winning silver at Grand Prix de France 2024. original source: Nikkansports / Nikkansports dd. 3d [...]
Wakaba Higuchi: “There’s no point in comeback unless I do my best.” and “Comparing myself with others only causes distractions.”

Wakaba Higuchi on winning silver at Grand Prix de France 2024 and getting into Grand Prix Final. original source: [...]
Evgenia Medvedeva: “Gubanova is good, and judges deliberately hold back her components scores.”

Translation of Evgenia Medvedeva's comment about the judging of Anastasiia Gubanova at the Grand Prix de France [...]
“There were many mistakes, and almost no clean performances. There were many issues with the levels of steps, spins, and under-rotations that weren’t called.” Evgenia Medvedeva about ledies’ SP at the Grand Prix de France

Translation of Evgenia Medvedeva's comment about performances at Grand Prix de France 2023. original source: [...]
“I changed my jumps to be more efficient and use less power.” Rion Sumiyoshi about using men’s single skating as an example to adjust her quad jump

Translation of Rion Sumiyoshi’s comment about her goals for the seaon and adjusting her quad technique. original [...]
“I like to sing at the same level as everyone else, but I can’t produce a voice that others would want to hear (laughs).” Wakaba Higuchi about using her own voice recording for the programs

Translation of Wakaba Higuchi’s comment about her first Grand-Prix after a long break. original source: [...]