“All young athletes must be protected against doping. Such protection cannot happen by exempting young athletes from sanctions.” ISU appealed to CAS in case of Kamila Valieva

Posted on 2023-02-22 • 5 comments


ISU commented on the decision of The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to appeal to CAS against RUSADA decision in the case of figure skater Kamila Valieva.

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source: ISU

“The Russian Anti-Doping Agency’s (RUSADA’s) disciplinary tribunal rendered a decision in the case of Russian Figure Skater, Kamila Valieva, finding that although the athlete had committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation, she bore “no fault or negligence” for it. As such, the tribunal imposed no sanction except for the disqualification of her results at the Russian Figure Skating Championship in Saint-Petersburg in December 2021.

The International Skating Union (ISU) received a copy of the reasoned decision in Russian and English translation on January 26, 2023 and a full copy of the case file on February 2, 2023. The ISU conducted a full review of the RUSADA decision and case file has decided to lodge an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). The ISU is of the opinion that all young athletes must be protected against doping. Such protection cannot happen by exempting young athletes from sanctions. 

Within the appeal, the ISU is seeking a period of ineligibility at CAS’s own discretion, starting from 25 December 2021 and disqualification of all results achieved during this period including forfeiture of any medals, points and prizes. Additionally, CAS is to decide the consequences of the Anti-Doping Rule Violation committed by Kamila Valieva and determine the final results of the Figure Skating Team Event at the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.

For the best interests of all Skaters and everyone involved, the ISU will continue to push for this matter to proceed without further undue delay.
Given the case is now pending before CAS, the ISU can make no further comment at this time.”


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5 Responses to ““All young athletes must be protected against doping. Such protection cannot happen by exempting young athletes from sanctions.” ISU appealed to CAS in case of Kamila Valieva”

  1. Constance says:

    Exactly, SkatingFanCa. The rules are the rules, regardless of who it is that’s breaking them.
    I also agree about the message being sent.
    How can it be that Caro Kostner had a two year ban for being an accessory to doping by lying about her then boyfriend’s whereabouts while she herself tested clean all the time and someone that actually had a positive test is supposed to get off without punishment? What message would that be? “Not being a snitch is worse than actually doing the wrong thing yourself”?

  2. SkatingFanCa says:

    Kamila took illegal drugs for doping is a fact, whether it was voluntary or imposed but agreed to is beside the question. I do not believe a single second that it was unknowingly or by accident, as she took not 1, but 3 heart drugs, all of which have the similar effect for performance enhancement. Anyone who dope would have unfair advantage over other competitors, and therefore need to face consequences of punishments. Why wouldn’t she? Without consequence will set a bad precedent and send a wrong message, because it will encourage such illegal doping practices to continue with other underage athletes, which is extremely unfair to the clean athletes competing with them.

  3. Constance says:

    Ockham’s razor. The simplest explanation is most often the correct one. Instead of twisting yourselves into pretzels, trying to come up with a scenario in which some sinister unknown entity spiked drinks and doped a poor innocent athlete for nefarious reasons, consider the simplest explanation: what if it was given to her by her team? While I believe she may not have known what she was taking, she voluntarily took it. It was supposed to metabolize itself until RusNats, but the math was off by a day or two. Possibly because her metabolism was slowed by dehydration.
    I’m not saying that’s fact, just that it’s at least as likely as any other theory.

  4. Jacko Man says:

    Has anyone check the coffee ingredients? It was sponsoring TT during that period. I vaguely remember Kamila and Morozov were holding a tumbler of the brand. They may or may not drank from it. Check the coffee and check Morozov’s samples.

    I remember reading a comment in Russian, that her mother gave her a tumbler after her performance. This is absurd, why would she drink dope after performing, before sample collection? But this goes with the statement: she did hold a tumbler.
    Normally Russian skaters only hold bottled water while at K&C and while waiting on the podium seats.

  5. Václav Sedláček says:

    Young athletes should be protected from the corrupted WADA. That never was an inpedendent organization.

    Same with ISU, that shopuld be renamed to USSU, as was seen at ISU awards. All prizes to active athletes went to the US or North America (P/C are training in Canada), Katarina Witt was the only one from the outside.

    And as in everything else, the Europe (and in this case even Japan/Korea) is happily cooperating on it’s own marginalization.

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