“Valieva’s free program is aimed at the domestic Russian audience, where doping is not a crime and, in general, hands off the child.” Vaitsekhovskaya and Konov about Valieva’s new free program

Posted on 2022-09-26 • 1 comment


Sports Journalist Elena Vaitsekhovskaya and Vasily Konov, Deputy General Producer of Match TV spoke about the new free program of Kamila Valieva, which the figure skater presented at the test skates.

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The program is dedicated to the situation Kamila faced at the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, when it was announced about her positive doping test.

At the end of the program, the skater covered herself with a hood – she did the same at the Olympics, passing by journalists.

Elena Vaitsekhovskaya: Valieva’s free program is obviously aimed at the domestic Russian audience, where doping is not a crime and, in general, hands off the child.

In any other country, the program, it seems to me, would have every chance of being booed.

Because it is impossible to get rid of the idea that it is being skated by a person who has become the center (it doesn’t matter that it happened not of her own free will) of the most grandiose scandal of the Games. And to pedal this topic until the proceedings are completed and the medals received, it looks at least unreasonable from the side of the coaching staff.

In addition, it is good to create such a program as a kind of a final chord of a career. Then everything fits perfectly into the dramatic plot: emotional skating, hood, tears.

If the program is made for the whole season and is accompanied by such a painful emotional return, as we saw in Megasport, it is just right to call it “Hell that is always with you.” So I wish Kamila be strong. In every way…

source: telegram

Vasily Konov: I watched Kamila Valieva’s free program, which I have been reading about all evening and agrees with those who are wondering why?

Why does the coaching staff forcibly return the girl to Beijing hell and make her exploit this topic? Why these news snippets at the beginning and the hood at the end?

You are still in litigation. You have a RUSADA verdict ahead and, with an extremely high probability, further, not the most pleasant contacts with WADA/CAS.

Valieva has experienced tremendous stress, this is a story that left a scar and that will haunt her even without this program. Even as a gala number, this is a huge test, and to use it all season – why? For what?

You left her at that moment to be torn to pieces, you didn’t accompany her and she ran through the mixed zone in horror and you throw her into it again. Just bewilderment.

source: telegram


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One response to ““Valieva’s free program is aimed at the domestic Russian audience, where doping is not a crime and, in general, hands off the child.” Vaitsekhovskaya and Konov about Valieva’s new free program”

  1. Julie Smarney says:

    This teenager doesn’t realize that she is being thrown back into the Olympics trauma BY HER COACHING STAFF every time she practices/skates this. Kamila does not have the insight, maturity or experience to realize the myriad of negative implications in skating this program.
    Kudos to Elena & Vasily for speaking out & getting it 100% right! For her personal satisfaction, Eteri has put a stain on all Russian skaters looking to get back to global competition. In addition, it’s an IGNORANT move when Kamila is in the fires of pending legal issues. Easy to do when your #1 concern (Diana) has gotten herself a US Figure Skating membership. Once again, SHAME ON ETERI!

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