‘If a pandemic had not happened we would have never discussed it’ Orser about Medvedeva’s decision to train with Tutberidze

Posted on 2020-09-17 • 2 comments


Brian Orser about Evgenia Medvedeva’s decision to return to the group of Eteri Tutberidze, her injury and test skates.

photo Vladimit Pesnya rsport.ria.ru

Brian Orser: I didn’t ask whose decision it was. Whether it was the Federation, with whose leaders Zhenya discussed her future, or she discuss her plans directly with Eteri. I’m not sure that it’s important for me to know and that I would like to know it. But I cherish the relationship that we have developed with Medvedeva during our joint work. They are very sincere, very trusting. I’m 100% sure that now Zhenya is motivated by one thing only: she really wants to skate, she needs a coach. In the conversation that I mentioned at the beginning of our conversation, we came to a common conclusion: if a pandemic had not happened, which turned out to be a much more serious disaster than we all thought at the beginning, we would have never discussed the topic we are discussing now.

by russian.rt.com

About injury

Brian Orser: From what I know for sure, Zhenya is periodically suffers from a chronic back injury, which happened not today or yesterday, but much earlier. I think the current exacerbation happened because of active work on Biellmann spin. Zhenya came to my group at already having a back problem, and from her stories I realized that Medvedeva had to fight with pain in the spine throughout the whole Olympic season. When an exacerbation occurs (and in the case of chronic injuries this is inevitable), you have to take a break from training, do many different procedures, and then start working on many things anew.

About test skates

Brian Orser: Training at a home skating rink is not the same as skating a program at a large stadium in front of the audience, especially if the event is of great importance to the skater. For Medvedeva, test skates were very important, I it know for sure.

by russian.rt.com


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2 Responses to “‘If a pandemic had not happened we would have never discussed it’ Orser about Medvedeva’s decision to train with Tutberidze”

  1. Renaate says:

    The programm “the Geisha” and her figure scating at Rostelekom was the best, that I’ve ever seen and that she ever had. In this programm you can find the heart of Shenia and Brian. It was the maximum. Look she and Brian before and after the performance….this was authentic and deeply touching, deeply moving. This moment should stay in her mind for ever. It was something very special. With this she should make an end of her carreer ath this point now.
    This will so never reached again! Now I have a bittersweet taste. Now we have and will have only the reamains of this magical moment. It could have been a great and dignified parting (retirement from ice-scating). Figure sacating is for me not only points and calculation as it nowadays is. She can have more points and even though…it will be not better. This only magical moment at Rosteelkom is over and comes never back.

  2. Renate says:

    What a pity! It makes me sad.
    Such great programms and such a good relationship – a deep understanding, so it seemed to me- between Brian and her! He gave her so much. It was such a good team.
    All is forgotten? ….”Idontwannabeyouanymore”….”experience”, the red feather-written with blood….
    …….there was discussed a coaching relationship until 2026. I was happy. Yes, we have a difficult situation because of corona. Perhaps it was the money too- then I understand this step. This makes me sad. Trussova,Sherbakowa…Kostonraja….Valieva….where is her place now….number x of hightalented younger girls. This is not, what she deserves. The A-choice for Eteri was Alina, I’m sure, J. is the choice B- strategical and tactical because of the other leaves. Eteri knows, that she cannot win a
    medal anymore with her because of her age (nomore 14/16). I’m so sory for Jewgenia- even though I wish her the best. One thing is satisfied: Peace between Eteri an her. The emotional cathastrophe could only happen, becuase of a deep feeling of both. Only a deep love can turn in such a “war”.I wish both the best. And I’m looking forward for the nice programms of Kurakowa.

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