Eteri Tutberidze: Kostornaia said that she cannot be on the ice with a certain list of athletes
Eteri Tutberidze about parting with Alena Kostornaia.
by Veronika Sovetova for dd.31st July 2020

Eteri Georgievna, how did Alena work at the training camp in Novogorsk?
Eteri Tutberidze: Until July 15, she trained well, recovered in an excellent mood, prepared for the season. Two programs were choreographed – short and free, and in our professional opinion, they would have made at least a WOW effect in figure skating. It was a godsend for her and for the situation in the world.
On July 16, she already wasn’t in the mood, then she was unwell, she did not go on the ice, and on the evening of the July 18th we talked, Alena announced her plans for the transition. Then she left the base, referring health problems.
Did you manage to recover after Sasha Trusova’s transition to Plushenko?
Eteri Tutberidze: Of course not. But you always try to find an excuse for any deed, you try to look at the world through their eyes, to understand that they want to win in this situation. But for this you need to talk.
What did Alena lack?
Eteri Tutberidze: She said that she cannot be on the ice with a certain list of athletes. We try to separate the skaters. We had five people on the ice, and there was enough time for each. Of course, when there are ten of them, I no longer have enough time. But we have three coaches on the ice.
Of course, our coaching staff is hurted that we were chosen simply as a team for a guaranteed recovery training camp. With Alena, a week was spent on the new programs, but we could have spent this time on other athletes, to embody our other creative ideas. Of course, this is devastating.
Eteri Georgievna, it turns out that Evgeni Plushenko goes with your athletes to the Olympics.
Eteri Tutberidze: Yes, although initially he did not have time to guarantee it to himself. Now Plushenko gets ready-made athletes and a certain guarantee for the Olympics.
Can such transitions of ready-made athletes to other coaches be justified?
Eteri Tutberidze: I can only say that I have never lured anyone. How can an athlete be given a guarantee of results and success? It takes a long way.
Related topics: Alena Kostornaia, Eteri Tutberidze, Evgeni Plushenko
al speer, because she’s emotionally abusive to pre-pubescent girls. That’s unforgivable.
Eteri receives a lot of criticism which is odd because she is the winningest coach. Why does no one praise her for her phenomenal success?
One good piece of news is the lovely Anna SHCHERBAKOVA remains and she is I think the most extraordinary skater and person of all.
Why don’t you understand this? One scater needs attention with quadruples and the other with other personal strengthes. But this is not possible in your environement. You have a teamsport. I’ so pity for this girl. The bosses schould think about this and correct her decision. “Open window” or not. Then makes it open. She is extraordinairy. Can’t you see this? There can be circumstances, where exceptions are needed.
There are no “extraordinary” for Eteri. Remember hers “Today you’re on the podium, tomorrow you’re noone”.